Page 38 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 38

Namah                                  Vol. 29, Issue 4, 15th January 2022

        Or is it the escape that entices people? Why  such a danger, but then living only in reality is
        watch a social critique when you already  also dangerous. It is bleak, our human nature
        know what’s wrong with your society?  is weak, what humans have done to Nature
        Why watch a crime thriller that will make  is sad. We have banished Pan to his island. If
        you double-check your door and imagine  children believe in Santa Claus, we ask them
        footsteps in the dark? It is much more satisfying  to grow up. As if growing up means throwing
        to escape into a world that is far removed from  away one’s belief in super-nature. It seems
        the one we inhabit — a dream-world we can  to me there is a fear around the occult. If one
        conjure up with our own imagination or with  believed in ghosts, they’d come to haunt us.
        computer graphics. We relive the childhood  Otherwise they would not exist.
        fascination for magic and the unknowable,
        for deep down we have a sense that reason  Underlying these fantasy worlds are rules
        is not king, that the laws of nature are not  that we are familiar with in our real world.
        binding. We are not limited by natural or  In the fantasy stories the real world problems
        social rules. We are free. We defy gravity. We  are worked out; and worked out really fast;
        can pass through walls. Things talk to us. We  perhaps too fast. Fast-moving action films
        can transmit thoughts. We are shapeshifters.  such as Marvel movies and Star Wars can
        Our landscapes change within seconds.  be addictive. They make us impatient of
        There is a great thrill in seeing the reason  anything other than speed resolutions. Instant
        trip, in being out of control, in exploring the  gratification has its own set of problems. But
        unknown. And while we baffle the reason,  what makes us relate to these fantasy stories is
        we also transcend it.                    that the foundation of these fantasy worlds is
                                                 the same as ours. It is a battle of good versus
                                                 evil. The good powers have siddhis of flying, of
                                                 trapping with cobwebs, of metamorphosing,
                                                 of controlling another’s mind and so on. The
                                                 bad powers have matching evil powers. And
                                                 so the battle goes on. Whether here or there.
                                                 Whether within or without. And this is how
                                                 we become heroes.

                                                 As we feel more and more limited in our real
        But not everything is fantastic in the fantasy  world, we choose the fantasy world to try out
        realm. It can dissociate us from the real  our powers. The real world offers no option
        world. Video games have been designed  for testing our heroism. So we test it in the
        to keep us in these alternate worlds as long  other world, by living vicariously through
        as possible. People get addicted to living in  a character we admire. The toy industry has
        them. They form new relationships in these  caught on with small versions of Batman,
        cyberspaces. It is possible these can make  Ironman, Superman, etc. There is such a
        people stop caring about the real world and  plethora of fancy books and accessories, one
        their family and friends. We get addicted to  wonders if it is the marketing that creates
        speed and to instant gratification. There is  love for fantasy in the first place for certain

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