Page 34 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 34

Namah                                     Vol. 30, Issue 2, 15th July 2022

        this explanation then crystallised the whole  transforming force and a milestone is reached
        affliction very clearly.                 in this process when it descends down into
                                                 the physical.
        Opening to the Force and resistance of
        the physical                             The reaction of the physical is predictable
                                                 indeed. It can be very problematic to get
        In Integral Yoga, one works with a descending  the physical to voluntarily open to this
        Force. It can be tangibly felt in the being,  descent. Its consciousness needs refinement
        particularly the body. My most vivid experience  through persistent inner work. When taken
        when I first arrived in Pondicherry came with  by surprise, the obscurity and silt that had
        an intense pressure coming down through the  lain for years at the bottom of its surface
        top of my head. It was very disconcerting at  gets disturbed and exhumes clouds of
        first but eventually I came to understand that  torpor and inertia into the being. The body
        the friction  experienced was arising from  consciousness creaks, shinks and groans as it
        my own innate resistance. Once realised, the  buckles under the pressure of this previously
        anxiety vanished, much of the pressure eased,  hidden and unexpected force. As the force
        but leaving a reminder of my work undone.  is so unexpected, the physical doesn’t open
                                                 but clenches. This is why the condition of the
        An essential aspect of Integral Yoga practice  vital consciousness is so important. If it is
        is opening to this Force. There are sometimes  flaccid, the vital will get simply overwhelmed
        hazards in attempting this too early before an  and won’t know how to respond. Not every
        authentic psychic connection is established,  process unfolds in a way we expect or intend.
        because there are many deceptive and
        beguiling lights which can impede our  I’m sure this experience I went through was
        progress. Calling the Mother will always be  not altogether unique. Sri Aurobindo uses the
        our best safeguard.                      word ‘grey’ and, for me, this word completely
                                                 nails the experience. There was no sense of
        We cannot dictate to this Force. It can be  despair, nothing quite as grave as that, just an
        called but never controlled; it has its own  overriding flatness and torpor. All the vigour
        agenda. Our look-out is only to remain as  of my will and aspiration seemed to drain
        open and sincere as possible. Often it comes  away. My appetite declined dramatically
        unannounced. Our limited individuality  and I became somewhat self-obsessed.
        can never comprehend it; when there is the  Everything became empty and dry. It was
        slightest aperture, it descends. There is a time  as if someone had switched all the lights off!
        when the physical must receive it. However,  I found myself in an extended condition
        this can never be foreseen; it is impelled by  of fatigue. However, I soon realised that
        the momentum of our practice.  We must  there wasn’t much I could do about this
        surrender to the guiding light of our sadhana.  affliction. My vital nature completely
        I look upon this descent as a fringe of the  refused to intervene. I simply had to stay
        Truth Consciousness, which has manifested  calm and let it pass. I went through my
        and is presently permeating irrevocably  daily activities and tried my best to step
        the earth atmosphere. We are receiving a  back from what was going on inside. I had

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