Page 30 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 30

Namah                                     Vol. 30, Issue 2, 15th July 2022

        preceding plane and carries the potentiality of  evolutionary worlds or typal worlds. These
        the anterior planes. This is an integration that  typal worlds are constructed during the
        occurs along the trajectory of the evolution  process of involution or descent of the
        of Consciousness.                        Superconscious to the Inconscience that
        There is another integration that makes the  preceded the evolution of consciousness.
        manifestation viable. Ordinarily the surface  Every plane of consciousness that manifests
        personality of an individual is a chaotic  during evolution has a corresponding
        mixture of interspersed planes that revolve  non-evolutionary plane. In fact, during
        around the ego. As one surpasses the ego,  evolution, there are two propelling
        the different planes can be disentangled  forces. One is the evolutionary nisus that
        from one another and integrated around a  presses from below and the other is the
        fourth-dimensional ego-surpassing principle.  projecting force from the corresponding
        Such an integrated being can now be ready to  non-evolutionary plane. The higher typal
        traverse the higher ranges of Consciousness.  or non-evolutionary worlds are domains
                                                 of constructive forces while the lower
        The third significant characteristic is that  typal worlds are domains of disruptive or
        Consciousness itself has anin-built evolutionary  hostile forces. The human being is actually
        schematamore fundamental than the biological  influenced by the interplay of evolutionary
        evolution of forms. However these schemata do  and non-evolutionary forces but this is a
        not arise from a vacuum, though outwardly  subject that is not understood outside occult
        they seem to arise from the Inconscience.  disciplines. It is high time that a futuristic
        Consciousness researchers are baffled as to  psychology removes its con-ventional
        how qualia can emerge from the non-qualia  biases and explores this fascinating
        of Inconscience. Sri Aurobindo explains  domain of consciousness without which
        that the Inconscience is phenomenal and  our understanding of reality is incomplete.
        not fundamental. Whatever evolves is
        at first involved in the Inconscience. The  The fifth significant characteristic is that
        Superconscient descends through a complex  Consciousness outlasts the lifespan of
        process of involution and turns into opposite  an individual. It is true that evolution
        values in the Inconscience. What was Truth,  starts from the Inconscience where all the
        Light, Knowledge, Life, Love and Joy turn  Superconscient values are represented in
        into Falsehood, Darkness, Ignorance, Death,  their opposite terms. Yet the decree for
        Hatred and Suffering! This is the primal  the evolution to commence was carried
        origin of falsehood, suffering, ignorance and  by a soul-spark that was a delegate of the
        death. It is from this matrix of negativity that  Supreme Reality. This soul-spark grows
        evolution starts. Initially the being needs a  through many life-times, accruing experiences
        temporary scaffolding to rise from a resistant  till it becomes a soul-personality or psychic
        milieu which becomes the ego-entity.     being,that at an opportune time can come
                                                 forward to take over the functions of the ego.
        The fourth significant characteristic is
        that Consciousness not only formulates  The psychic being is a fourth-dimensional
        the evolutionary worlds but also non-    ego-surpassing principle around which

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