Page 54 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 54

Namah                                     Vol. 30, Issue 2, 15th July 2022

        Exercise: relaxing in the present moment  Presence, makes us realise the triviality of the
                                                 outer drama. Most psychological problems
        In a situation where one is feeling stress and  are on the surface.
        anxiety one can do the following practice:
                                                 Conscious steps towards overcoming
        Sit by yourself, become conscious of the  stress
        present moment, become aware that at this
        present moment none of the factors that are  We as humans are not isolated entities. We
        the cause of your stress are there.      are greatly influenced by our environment
                                                 — by the vibrations of the people we interact
        Become aware of your body, relax your body,  with, the physical space, the food we take in
        unclench your hands, relax your feet and  and everything else. We are thus influenced by
        place them gently on the floor. Relax your  our surroundings not only at a psychological
        shoulders, observe your breath, relax your  level but also at a physical-vibrational level.
        chest, gently close your eyes and bring a  So it is very important to become conscious
        gentle smile to your face. Breathe gently,  of these factors.
        become aware of the pressure and heaviness
        around your chest, back and neck. Just let it  We must not worry about things which are
        flow out with your breath. Relax. Breathe  not within our control. We must become
        in deeply and breathe out all the heaviness.  aware of what is creating fear and anxiety
        Imagine a door in your heart is opening.  in us. Once we have become aware of the
        This is the door to your inner soul. Gently go  cause of our stress, then it becomes possible to
        inside. As you go inside your heart, feel that it  remove its influence. This becomes conscious
        is a totally different space. Immerse yourself  work. Once we become conscious, all that we
        in the vibrations of this space. Be there in this  need to do is gather ourselves and, in a state
        inner space. Feel the calm and peace. This  of sincere aspiration, offer our problem to the
        inner space is accessible to everyone. Even  Divine. Now we have the Divine on our side.
        a few minutes of living in this space can be  The sincere act of complete offering frees us
        a life- transforming experience.         from the problem.

        Stress  and  anxiety  are  in  fact  very  We need to take life and our own selves
        superficial aspects of our being. They touch  not so seriously. We need to let go of our
        us only on the surface. At a deeper level,  obsession with our own selves and our
        everything is fine. The problems and fears  lives. We must face things as they are. We
        which appear too overwhelming are in fact  must overcome our need to escape from
        very superficial.                        reality. We must see things objectively, free
                                                 from the emotional mixture. Doing so will
        A small shift from the outer surface, to going  allow us to solve many of our problems.
        within to the inner space, makes us realise that  We need to trust the Divine and the Divine
        the overwhelming stress that we experience  Scheme. A lot of stress and anxiety is a
        is only at the surface. An inward movement,  result of the fear of the unknown. Once
        going deeper within and invoking the Inner  we develop a trust in the Divine this fear

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