Page 22 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 22
Namah Vol. 30, Issue 3, 15th October 2022
From Witness to Warrior
This is the transition from awareness to
consciousness and it takes time. We progress from
Witness to Warrior. It is the progressive identity
with the psychic presence which facilitates the
process. Whenever there is sincerity, the soul
over time assumes a more executive role. The
consciousness starts to effectuate. It is not
an immediate handover but as we move
forward, our nature becomes ever more and
more malleable to its influence. It presents
a torch light to shine over our entire being,
imparting a light wherever it is directed. This
We find a more secure station in this witness light gets brighter as we evolve. It imparts a
poise. It is the first necessary point in our knowledge which provides the capacity for
spiritual ascent. As long as we remain subject true change.
to the modes of nature, the witness will always
be present. We don’t judge or recoil; we Through repeated and successive enquiries,
just witness.The state falls short of control a deeper connection starts to get forged. It is
but we remain immobile and totally intact. a progressive process and may take lifetimes
We stop getting tossed and turned by every but as we move forward and edge closer to this
circumstance in life. This is how we cross this source, our will can simultaneously evolve.
uneasy threshold and get to calmer waters. This source is our psychic being, our evolving
This is the first step to initiating our true will. soul, and this entity should always be the
It is only when we develop equanimity to focal point of our will as it is the true master
outer shocks that we can start to reach the of our being. It is from the psychic being
source of our will in a more consistent way. that we are able to more truly align our will
When we do not get so easily disturbed, we because, as this happens, the knowledge of
can plunge more deeply inside and begin to our consciousness really starts to change
truly experience what is behind the camouflage what is going on inside. It is not coercion
presented by our nature. A nascent discernment but spontaneous transmutation. A persistent
starts to come forward. We gradually move approach is very necessary, because lapses
beyond witnessing and start to identify. and temporary reversals are inevitable on
It is the identity with our Truth that makes this path. However, whenever we align our
our awareness more dynamic. We identify will we have a clear sight of our goal and the
with the psychic being, our true Peron and necessary means to get there.
evolving soul. This entity is the embodiment
of Truth. Once we build a relationship with It is through harmony that our will gets
our psychic being, we can start to tackle the unified. Our will is always governed by the
inner malaise. condition of our being. As the being unifies,