Page 23 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 23
Namah Align Your Will
our muscles. You start with something small,
“…. you insist on it and compel yourself to
do it as you compel yourself to lift a weight
— it’s the same thing. You make the same
kind of effort, but it is more of an inner effort.
And after having taken little things like this
— things relatively easy, you know — after
taking these and succeeding with them, you
can unite with a greater force and try a more
complicated experiment. And gradually, if you
do this regularly, you will end up by acquiring
the will automatically aligns with the psychic an independent and very strong will (5).”
being. It is a function of the psychic being to
harmonise all the disparate parts of our being. All this progress implies considerable and
It is the way that the multiplicity of our nature prolonged practice. Practice is nothing but the
is embraced. Our being does not emerge as deployment of our consciousness: whenever
a standardised uniformity but evolves into we are conscious we practise. It is much more
a vibrant, diverse but integrated whole. The than a matter of reflection and meditation.
opposing tendencies are harmonised into a It transcends even the yogic parameters of
unified accord. knowledge, works and love: it is truly a poise
we should hold within us at all times.
We should start working on unifying our
will as soon as we get an inkling of the Unifying the being
psychic presence. How else can we change
our nature? Any effort we make doing This truth is worth repeating: to unify
this brings the psychic being forward and in our will we have to unify our being. We
turn makes our consciousness more active. unify our being through practice. This
No effort is wasted. is inner work and can more effectively be
done through the vehicle of the body. The
The will needs to be exercised. It requires body can produce such a clear channel for
“methodical exercise”.It is a dynamic process. our inner states. The body is a blueprint
It cannot be left idle; particularly at the early for our entire being, a map of our inner
stages, it demands exercise. There is little psychology. We observe and enquire
purpose in establishing this connection if into the body in every detail. The torch
it is not engaged in our daily activities. The light scans every ‘hidden corner’. The
litmus test of the will lies in its application Consciousness observes the divisions and
and it evolves and develops through exercise conflicts that arise on it from these inner
and usage. Every time we apply our will in states. What the consciousness sees it knows
a true and sustained way, it strengthens its and what it knows, it effects. What it effects,
force for the next application. it transmutes into its own image, which is
psychic in quality. It works through harmony
As the Mother says, it is like strengthening and leaves behind a legacy of dynamic Peace.