Page 51 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
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Namah Notes on counselling
… In that moment you are drunk on yourself, Would be rolled like pearls to your feet.
You lock yourself away in cloud after cloud Be passionate for the friend’s tyranny, not
of grief, his tenderness,
And in that moment you leap free of
yourself, So the arrogant beauty in you can become
That moment you are drunk on yourself, a lover that weeps.”(5).”
the friend abandons you.
That moment you leap free of yourself, the References
wine of the friend,
In all its brilliance and dazzle, is held out 1. Lawlor L, Nale J. Friendship. Cambridge:
to you. Cambridge University Press; 2015, p..162.
That moment you are drunk on yourself,
You are withered, withered like autumn 2. Blos P. In: Relationships in Adolescence Coleman
leaves. JC (ed). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; 1974,
That moment you leap free of yourself, pp. 9-10.
Winter to you appears in the dazzling robes
of spring. 3. Sri Aurobindo. Sri: The Integral Yoga, Sri
All disquiet springs from the search for quiet. Aurobindo’s Teaching and Method of Practice.
Look for disquiet and you will come suddenly Pondicherry: Compiled by Sri Aurobindo
on a field of quiet. Ashram Archives and Research Library;
All illnesses spring from the scavenging 1993, pp. 324-25.
of delicacies.
Renounce delicacies and poison itself will 4. Ibid., p. 325.
seem delicious to you.
All disappointments spring from your 5. Rumi. In: Harvey A. The Way of Passion. A
hunting for satisfactions. Celebration of Rumi. UK: Souvenir Press;1995,
If only you could stop, all imaginable joys pp. 308-09.
Dr. Soumitra Basu, a practising psychiatrist and member of SAIIIHR, is the Director of a school of
psychology, Integral Yoga Psychology. He is also one of the editors of NAMAH.