Page 50 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
P. 50

Namah                                  Vol. 30, Issue 4, 15th January 2022

        that it was difficult to reconcile liberty or  until one can experience the eternal
        freedom with equality, for an emphasis of  Friend!
        one at the cost of the other would lead
        either to an anarchy or State-sponsored  Sri Aurobindo explains:
        robotic hegemony. The only way to break
        the impasse was to replace the base of  “Friendship or affection is not excluded from
        fraternity from a mechanical comradeship   the yoga. Friendship with the Divine is a
        to a soul-comradeship. In his treatise, The Ideal  recognised relation in the sadhana. Friendships
        of Human Unity he painstakingly explains   between the sadhaks exist and are encouraged
        how a soul-based fraternity could alone  by The Mother. Only, we seek to found them
        lead to a harmony of liberty and equality   on a surer basis than that on which the bulk
        that would in turn lead to a reconciliation  of human friendships are insecurely founded.
        of the individual and the collectivity  It is precisely because we hold friendship,
        paving the way to global unity — a feat   brotherhood, love to be sacred things that we
        that has hitherto been a Utopian dream.  want this change — because we do not want
                                                 to see them broken at every moment by the
                                                 movements of the ego, soiled and spoiled
                                                 and destroyed by the passions, jealousies,
                                                 treacheries to which the vital is prone — it is
                                                 to make them truly sacred and secure that we
                                                 want them rooted in the soul, founded on the
                                                 rock of the Divine (3).”

                                                 “In yoga friendship can remain but attachment
                                                 has to fall away or any such engrossing
        Friendship in spiritual pursuit          affection as would keep one  tied to the
                                                 ordinary life and consciousness (4).“
        As it is the soul which is the basis of genuine
        friendship, it is not surprising that a seeker of  Mystic love
        the Truth has to wade his or her way through
        the vicissitudes of relationships until one  In meta-psychological parlance, the most
        realises that there is an inner gap that cannot  significant friend that one has to abandon is
        be filled up by anything else than the divine  one’s ego, one’s dying false self when one
        Presence. Once that poise is consolidated,  yearns to be a true lover of the Lord! If one’s
        new friendships, that are in consonance  ego turns against that, it would signal the
        with one’s spiritual growth, manifest. For  beginning of the true bond of love. Rumi
        that one may have to forego friendships  expresses it poignantly:
        cherished so far with detachment and
        equipoise and even harbouring no ill-will  “In that moment you are drunk on yourself,
        towards those who displayed undesirable   The friend seems a thorn,
        behaviour. One realises that it is the Divine  In that moment you leap free of yourself,
        who sanctions and breaks relationships   what use is the friend?

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