Page 10 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 10

Namah                                    Vol. 31, Issue 1, 24th April 2023

        “micro psi atoms”, which were symmetrically  called the science of siddhis, in Western
        arranged groups of particles or points of  professional description, it is the study of
        light bound together in rapid complex  cognitive anomalies (6).
        orbital motion. This description predated
        Rutherford’s discovery of the atomic  The term cognitive anomalies finds acceptance
        nucleus. The micro psi atoms were further  because psi phenomena deal with information
        broken down to quasi-nuclear matter which  acquisition and are therefore cognitive,
        in conventional parlance may be labelled as  but as they do not fit with current rational
        quarks and subquarks. Though the concept  conceptions of cognition, are better con-
        of sub-quarks has not been yet accepted by  sidered as anomalies. Rao comments
        science, Leadbeater and Besant’s description of  that the sharp division between the
        3,456 quasi-nuclear particles during their step-  natural and supernatural and between
        wise disintegration of gold was corroborated  subjectivity and objectivity, as is prevalent
        by Stephen Phillips in 1980.             in the Western mindset, prevents a full
                                                 exploration of psi phenomena in the
        It is presumed that the supercollider  West, where at best the accumulated data
        accelerator whose construction was  would merely point to the existence of
        abandoned could not have broken the  some type of cognitive anomaly.
        nucleus into sub-quark components to the
        extent that was achieved by psychokinetically  Sri Aurobindo’s insights
        imparting tremendous energy to the atomic
        system! During their pursuit of occult  In contrast, the Indian tradition would
        chemistry, Leadbeater and Besant had  offer fresh direction and impetus to the
        discovered that all matter essentially  study and exploration of psi phenomena.
        consisted of bubbles or holes in space “like  In fact, a detailed study of the ‘Inner
        pearls upon an invisible string”. Stephen  Being’  or  subliminal personality that
        Phillips later linked this insight with the  stands behind the Outer Being (which is
        “Super String Theory” of contemporary  studied as “personality” in contemporary
        particle physics (5).                    psychology), described by Sri Aurobindo,
                                                 offers plausible explanations to many of the
        Siddhi and cognitive anomalies           psi-phenomena and provides a heuristic
                                                 scope of further exploration.
        The micro-psi exercised by Leadbeater and
        Besant is in Indian parlance a siddhi  Some of the really anomalous psi phenomena
        (a  realisation accomplished through  (anomalous in the true sense of the term
        spiritual power or psychic ability) termed  like hallucinations and pseudo-intuitions
        as “Anima” in Aphorism 3.26 of Patanjali’s  and not just because they do not fit with
        Yoga Sutras, which states that a yogi can  the rational mindset) may be traced to the
        attain  the knowledge of the hidden  ‘intermediate zone’ between the ‘inner’ and
        and smallest through the light of supra-  ‘outer’ beings (the subliminal personality
        physical faculty. Rao describes that while  and surface personality respectively) of which
        parapsychology in Indian parlance can be  Sri Aurobindo has left a detailed account (7).

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