Page 9 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 9

Namah                                                       Editorial

        t h e   direct influence of mind over  clairvoyantly detected events have also included the
        matter known as psychokinesis (PK).      outcomes of events based on quantum mechanical
        Rao emphasises that,  “….psi may         random event generators.
        function beyond the familiar categories of
        understanding and may point to a state of   “Consider psychokinesis. Occasionally just
        being that cannot be properly classified as   wishing for a certain physical outcome has
        mind or matter. Psi phenomena raise the   some detectable influence on that outcome. A
        question whether there exists a realm of   striking example is biasing the outcome of an
        reality beyond the phenomenal world of   electronic computer-like device that randomly
        appearance, which is primarily a product   produces a binary outcome. The person causing
        of our information-processing capabilities   the biasing, the agent, usually has no idea how
        and mechanisms (3)”.                     the device works….

        Let us look into some psi phenomena more  “These sound like the characteristics of minds —
        specifically. Charles T. Tart describes:  or perhaps souls — that may be quite enmeshed
                                                 in the characteristics of matter most of the
        “Consider telepathy. The human mind can   time but can somehow operate and (at least
        occasionally have some sort of direct information   partially) exist independent of matter, minds
        transfer, factual information or emotional tone,   that occasionally have access to nonphysical
        ‘contact’ if you prefer, with other human   sources of information we cannot begin to
        minds…                                   adequately conceptualise; that perhaps
                                                 may be capable of surviving physical death.
        “Consider clairvoyance. Occasionally a mind can   And if these are characteristics of people, may
        directly know the state of the distant physical   there not be minds or a Mind much greater
        world, without using the senses of the body….  than our own? God (4) ?”

                                                 Micro-psi atoms

                                                 Perhaps  one of the most remarkable example
                                                 of psychokinesis is the amazing story of how
                                                 two theosophists, C.W. Leadbeater and
                                                 Annie Besant (who died in 1933 and 1934
                                                 respectively) began experimenting in 1895
                                                 with their clairvoyant powers of “micro-psi”
                                                 magnitude to unravel the nuclear structure of
                                                 all the naturally occurring 92 elements down
                                                 to the “quark” and “sub-quark” level much
                                                 before the discovery of isotopes of several
        “Consider precognition. Occasionally a person  elements by Aston in 1912 with his newly
        can correctly predict a future event which is, in  discovered mass spectrograph.
        terms of widely accepted physical principles,
        inherently unpredictable…. Precognitively and  With sheer will-power, they had discovered

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