Page 11 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 11

Namah                                                       Editorial

        What is deemed anomalous and unnatural to  and decrease the autonomic nervous system
        the mechanistic mindset becomes spontaneous,  activity of other persons, mentally and at
        though appearing to be supernatural in mystic  a distance. Employing similar strategies it
        parlance.                                was also found that subjects were able to
                                                 protect their own and others’ red blood
                                                 cells (i.e., to decrease the rate at which the
                                                 cells broke down and died under osmotic
                                                 stress), mentally and at a distance using
                                                 strategies of attention, intention and
                                                 visualisation of desired outcomes.

                                                 Braud also found that the factors known
                                                 to facilitate psi functioning sorted into
                                                 three clusters that matched the three
        Universal Oneness                        familiar virtues of faith, hope and love.
                                                 These were the virtues eulogised in
        What is important is to acknowledge that  all spiritual traditions. Faith is related
        consciousness together with its attributes of  to belief, confidence, trust and these
        will and volition are non-local and therefore  factors enhance psi functioning. Hope
        unconstrained in time and space. Therefore,  is confident expectation that facilitates psi
        it can be assumed that at some level all the  functioning. The healer’s feeling of love for
        things in the universe are inter-connected in  the healee or the healee’s surrogate and
        some way or the other. Rao considers this as  strong positive feelings of merging and
        a universal oneness to which most religions  interconnectedness may facilitate positive
        refer (8). If parapsychology establishes  outcomes.
        the authenticity of psi and the non-local
        perspective of psychic phenomena, we may  Moreover the reduction of egocentric motives
        realise the connection between the spiritual  is believed to facilitate psi success. Braud
        world-view and scientific world-view.    closes with a seminal quote from William
                                                 James, “If the doors of perception were
        Relation to health                       cleansed, everything would appear to man
                                                 as it is, infinite (9)”.
        In an interesting overview, William Braud
        demonstrates that if subjects are able  References
        to influence the bodily systems of other
        subjects, mentally and at a distance, then   1.  Rao KR. Consciousness Studies: Cross-Cultural
        implications emerge of mental or spiritual   Perspectives. Jefferson NC, USA: McFarland
        healing. Studies suggest that attention and   Publishing; 2005, p. 314
        inattention focused upon other subjects
        were to either facilitate or impede various   2.   Basu S, Miovic M. Consciousness-Based Psychology
        biological processes. For example, it was   — Sri Aurobindo’s Vision of Yoga, Health and
        found that subjects were able to increase   Transpersonal Growth. ed. Pondicherry:

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