Page 47 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 47

Namah                                   Self-forgetfulness and its beauty

        its storyline, the past, present commentaries  Simultaneously, we also have the golden
        on happenings, and future worries, its likes  key — by offering our limited self fully
        and dislikes, its desires and demands, its  to the Divine (like a wave crashing back
        unfulfilled wishes, its reputation, its approval  into the ocean), an utter self-giving, one
        and rejection by so-called ‘other separate  finds that completion and contentment
        selves’. All this chatter of the surface-mind  without the need of any ambitious external
        leaves one drained and unfulfilled, always  accomplishment, although the latter may
        focused on what is lacking (never paying  happen as a by-product on the path.
        any attention to what it has already, which is  “Man has a right to beatitude since that is
        taken for granted) and the series of ignorant  what he was created for. But any egocentric
        pursuits to fulfil the abyss through material  movement is the very opposite of this
        possessions, which makes us toil even  beatitude; so that if you seek it for yourself
        further.                                 alone, you repel it instead of attracting it.
                                                 By self-forgetfulness, by self-giving, without
        When we realise that our life is becoming a  asking anything in return, by merging, so to
        misery, a burden, we will diagnose that we  say, into this beatitude so that it may shine
        are just too full of our limited sense of self,  upon all, you find the inner peace and joy
        which is really a false-identity, and hence the  which never leave you (1).”
        signal from the Universe in the form of misery,
        saying: ‘Dude, you are following the wrong  When we live identified with the ego-
        track, the track of partnering with falsehood.’  consciousness, or a sense of lack, a sense of
        It is my time now to listen to this signal of  being a limited separate self, we are always
        misery/suffering, and let go of my sticking to  looking for — what can life or people give
        my notions of myself and the world.      me so as to fulfil me, complete me? And
                                                 it’s no wonder that we keep running in all
        Benefits of self-forgetfulness           the possible directions, wanting, wanting,
                                                 but we still remain unfulfilled. We have no
        All of us want beauty and harmony in life.  lasting joy or peace in life. They only come
        We want clarity and peace and light. But due  in glimpses, and very soon, misery is back,
        to our distorted perceptions, our ignorance,  when the focus on ‘me’, the separate self, is
        we are compelled to resort to ignorant means  back. How to resolve this misery? How to
        to attain peace and beauty, and hence we  have joy back in life?
        always push harmony and beauty away,
        although wanting to have them in life.

        All the movements originating from the
        ‘sense of lack’ or from the egocentric self, are
        roots of our misery. I feel that I am incomplete
        and running after people or material gain
        will make me complete — this is our biggest
        illusion and causes a lot of drainage of our
        life-energies, at all the unnecessary places.

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