Page 23 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 23
Namah Privilege of Pain
Can Pain be Joyful? opportunity for the spirit to grow in strength
— then there is, truly speaking, no pain, there
Yes, pain can be an instrument of progress. are only gifts of pain:
But can it be joyful? Yes, indeed. Because true
joy lies in progress! 1. The gift of strength of the spirit to overcome
the power of circumstances,
“The fiery spirit grows in strength within 2. The gift of evolution and growth towards
And feels a joy in every titan pang.” p. 444 wisdom through circumstances,
3. The gift of freedom from karmic entanglements,
Our expedition on Earth is an adventure of the gift of opening to a greater love by breaking
consciousness, which unfolds either as an the chains of attachment, and much more…
exhilarating odyssey or a perception of pain
and suffering, contingent on one’s receptivity Pain gives many gifts. When one perceives
to nature’s guiding hand. it like that, then there is only joy!
Mirra Alfassa, whom we lovingly call the Mother,
the founder of Auroville, an international city-
in-the-making in south India, to build a
new society from a new consciousness —
when she invites humanity to Auroville, she
welcomes them to an adventure. Yoga is an
adventure. In this adventure, it is up to us
whether we joyfully take on the cooperative
effort with nature or let it become a struggle. But Is Not a Yogi Meant to be Above Pain?
Progress is an adventure. And an adventure “He who would save himself lives bare and
often is painful, just like a Himalayan trek calm;
is tough and leads to sore muscles, altitude He who would save the race must share its
sickness and what not. But it is a joy to climb, pain:” pp. 444-45
if one is in love with trekking. When one is
receptive, one enjoys the trek of life. When The perception of a yogi is of an individual
one is not, one suffers the trek of life. perpetually poised above pain and suffering,
possessing an unwavering equanimity is
Individuals who willingly choose progress deeply ingrained in popular understanding.
over complacency find joy in every Titan In some ways, it is true. The bare minimum
pang, in every difficulty. The Mother’s hand requirement for a yogi or a sadhak is to have
can unravel the untapped possibilities and some composure and be above the usual ups
higher potentials within. and downs of life.
Progress is an act of Grace. When we do not The prevailing understanding in spirituality
judge Grace — as good or bad, and simply suggests that if one achieves equanimity, the
receive it with gratitude and take it as an realm of pain and suffering becomes obsolete.