Page 26 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 26

Namah                                    Vol. 32, Issue 1, 24th April 2024

        “Turn towards high Truth, aspire to love and  Pain Will Exist While There is War
        ...                                      There is a fundamental enmity on earth,
        Make of thy daily way a pilgrimage…”  p. 451   between the adverse forces that want to
        Pain is not an indispensable part of life. But  prevent the reign of the Divine here and
        pain will persist until (1) we are free within  the divine Conscious-Force.
        (2), until we win the war against the adverse
        forces (3), and most importantly, until evil  “A secret enmity ambushes the world’s march;
        turns back to its original good. These are  ...
        three important clues for inner work, to   Till it is slain, peace is forbidden on earth.”  p. 447
        move towards a peaceful, painless intense  This war manifests as the inner battle between
        evolution of consciousness and progress of  inertia, attachment, jealousy, arrogance,
        soul on earth.                           cowardice and the force of truth, love, harmony,
                                                 and courage. As long as this battle is ongoing,
                                                 peace cannot fully prevail on Earth. Peace
                                                 will be the by-product of the Divine’s victory.

                                                 “There is no visible foe...
                                                 ...thoughts not our own
                                                 Overtake us…”  p. 447

        Pain will Exist Till Man is Free         These forces that overtake our consciousness
                                                 truly belong to the past; these are habitual
        “The spirit is doomed to pain till man is free.”  patterns, automatisms of our subconscious
        P. 444                                   animalistic nature that bind us.

        It is only when the spirit within is still chained   “An adversary Force was born of old:
        by our attachments, desires, doubts, impulses,   ...
        cravings, and ambitions that pain is a part of   It hides from him the straight immortal path.”
        the process of growth and evolution. When   p. 447
        one has inwardly liberated oneself from the
        habitual patterns of outer nature and when  This does not mean one has to look upon
        one begins to live in the delight, truth and  this battle of forces as a dreadful thing, but
        consciousness of the spirit within, it is then  rather an adventure undertaken by the spirit.
        possible to be completely free of the law of
        pain and yet invariably progress and move  Pain will Exist Till Evil Turns Back to Its
        towards the transformation of life on earth.  Original Good

        Until that time, pain and death are a part of  “The secret Law of each thing is fulfilled,
        the process of furthering evolution.     ...
                                                 Evil turns back to its original good,
        “Men die that man may live and God be born.”  p. 444   ...

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