Page 22 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 22
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 1, 24th April 2024
“Pain is the hand of Nature sculpturing men
To greatness: an inspired labour chisels
With heavenly cruelty an unwilling mould.” p. 444
Nature is a divine sculptor shaping individuals
towards greatness. Born out of Inconscience,
there is an inherent difficulty in individuals
to break from habitual patterns and thus, the
hand of nature intricately sculpts individuals
toward greatness, employing celestial cruelty
to chisel with divine purpose.
Pain: Hammer of the Gods
This transformative process, acknowledged
“Pain is the hammer of the Gods to break not only by revered yogis but also by
A dead resistance in the mortal’s heart, individuals attaining success or excellence
His slow inertia as of living stone.” p. 443 across various domains, necessitates a
voluntary relinquishment of lesser desires,
Pain is the “hammer of the gods”, employed joys, and indulgences. Renowned figures,
to break the inertia and resistance in human such as Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli and
existence. This joyful hammer shatters the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, attest to the
complacency of the lower nature, fostering a inevitability of sacrificing the mundane for
willingness to embrace change. Just like the the pursuit of extraordinary achievements.
oyster would ordinarily not form a pearl, This universal experience is akin to being
even though it has all the capacities, usually, born within a formidable vessel, challenging
humans too will stay in their comfort-zone to crack open and entails the inherent pain
and not tap into their full potential until either associated with reshaping one’s nature
an intense aspiration for progress awakens ingrained in habitual patterns.
in their hearts or they are hit by the divine
hammer of pain that prompts growth and The metamorphosis towards greatness
evolution. demands embracing the inherent difficulties
posed by the ingrained habits of humans.
“If the heart were not forced to want and weep, Even in seemingly trivial aspects like dietary
His soul would have lain down content, at ease, preferences, initiating change encounters
And never thought to exceed the human start, initial resistance. It is a necessary discomfort
And never learned to climb towards the Sun.” p. 443 when attempting to transform patterns
reluctant to alter.
When unwilling to evolve and transform, the
heart is “forced to want and weep.” This force,
akin to “the hammer of the God”, disrupts
the soul’s contentment with the status quo,
compelling it to transcend human limitations.