Page 30 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 30
Man and beyond Man
Dr. Alok Pandey
Life is evolving constantly at different paces. What about man? This article discusses certain lines
of human evolution so far and the further prospects of future evolution of going beyond man.
that are worshipped in his house. He labours
to preserve rather than expand his comfort-
zones and is bound to the images that he has
experienced around him. To progress beyond
his feeding space and his kind, to seek and
understand anything greater, higher or even
other than what he has been handed over
by heredity, is a venture he is unwilling to
undertake. His comfort is in the numbers, his
Three kinds of life safety is in multiplying his type.
Human beings experience at least three kinds Such a life is slow-paced and moves like
of life that roughly correspond to the three a bullock cart along the fields of Time. To
layers of the brain. There is first, a material preserve rather than create, to conserve
or physical life that is centred around the rather than grow, discover and invent is his
body. Tied to the bodily needs, this layer preoccupation. It revels in memories of the
of humanity lives largely by instinct and old bygone days and dreads any change in
is driven by hunger, thirst and the urge its mechanical routine. The old-world charm
to reproduce. Such a humanity is deeply and the little things of life are its source of joy.
attached, in fact tied like a sheep to its
flock, to the circumstances of his birth, the Climbing further we see yet another kind of
people he encounters in his little space, the life that humanity knows. It is a life of desires
language spoken by his kind, the custom and and ambitions. Here, impulse and passions
traditions in which he is born and the gods drive the engines and life runs on fast gears.