Page 31 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 31
Namah Man and beyond Man
It may take a leap or crash through the roads. abruptly towards the third kind of life that
Speed rather than arriving at a settled poise is humanity knows.
the joy here. Change for change’s sake, such
as we see in the world of fashion, is the way
of life. This life is a life of adventure, the life
of the explorer, the inventor, the man who
courts even peril and danger, preferring risks
over security, wide expansion over comfort-
zones, revolt over conformity, change over
convention. The obvious role of this layer of
humanity in ushering unexpected new ways
of life is well known. Yet this is not what is
meant by the new life since this child of rajas
moves in an expanding and contracting circle
of ignorance. It changes appearances but ever
remains the same within.
When this ascending current of life meets
a sweet stream, emerging from the depths,
then its rhythm changes into a graceful pace.
This deeper stream is the current of emotions
whose origin is in the flame of love that
dwells within all. This psychic touch from
the secret soul depths gets muddy and turbid
as it mixes with ambition and passion, like
mixing poison-sting to the ambrosia of the
gods. Yet it brings its own unique charm, a
beauty and sweetness, dreams of a perfect
world where all is bright and beautiful, a This third layer of humanity, that is yet
glad harmony that uplifts the human towards developing, is a mentalised intellectual human
the divine. We see its stirring in the higher being. Here the chariot of life is driven by engines
animals such as the bear and elephant, cow of thought. Reason replaces instinct and
and horse, dogs and cats, dolphins and impulse. Desires and ambitions are brought
seals. It can be felt in children and in human under moderation and emotions assume a
beings whose ambitions have been tempered restrained glow. The will to understand before
with feelings of camaraderie, sympathy and action, the need for balance, equilibrium and
affection. One can see it still in a humanity harmony, governing life by a luminous
that is closer to the animal in its simplicity understanding of the rules of life, rather
and far from the rut and race of competition than a mechanical adherence or revolt for
and lust for power and money. In some, this the sake of revolt is the way of living here.
deeper psychic life does not get its full chance Its gifts are a healthy balanced life, lived in
to emerge as the consciousness shoots rather moderation and with self-control, a glad inner