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still works wholly in the field of ignorance. To this region of practical reason belong
        the “polysyllables” of which Sri Aurobindo speaks, the commonplaces and cliches, all
        the ready-made phrases which run about in the mental atmosphere from one brain to
        another and which people repeat when they want to appear knowledgeable, or when
        they think themselves wise.

        Sri Aurobindo puts us on our guard against this trite and inferior way of thinking when
        we are faced with a new or unexpected phenomenon and try to explain it. He tells us to
        search always, untiringly, using our highest intelligence, the intelligence which thirsts
        to know the true cause of things, and to go on searching without being satisfied by facile
        and popular explanations, until we have discovered a more subtle and truer truth. Then
        at the same time we shall find that behind everything, even what seems to be chance and
        illusion, there is a conscious will at work to express the Supreme Vision.

                                                                                                                                           — The Mother**

        * Heading provided by Editor.

        ** The Mother. The Collected Works of the Mother, Volume 10. 2  ed. Pondicherry Sri Aurobindo
                                   Ashram Trust; 1998, pp. 42-43.

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