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Namah Vol. 32, Issue 1, 24th April 2024
for which newer techniques need to be it could be possible only if the physical mind
developed. In 1950, the Mother recorded received the supramental light: the physical
how she received into her system the ‘Mind of mind was the instrument for direct action upon
Light’, which was the physical mind receiving the most material. This physical mind receiving
the transformative Supramental Light and the supramental light Sri Aurobindo called the
Force as a legacy during the withdrawal of Mind of Light (8)“.
Sri Aurobindo from the physical body. The
Mother herself had narrated that though Sri “As soon as Sri Aurobindo withdrew from his
Aurobindo had experienced the descent of body, what he has called the Mind of Light got
the Supermind long back in the mind and the realised in me (9).”
vital, it could not directly act on the physical,
which could only be possible if the physical In 1956, on 29 February, the crowning
mind received the Supramental Light. The experience of manifestation of the Supramental
physical mind receiving the Supramental in the subtle physical occurred, which was a
Light was called the ‘Mind of Light‘. With concrete certitude that the new creation was
this gift of the Mind of Light, the Yoga of decreed and inevitable. An intuitive inkling
Physical Transformation commenced in a of this great event was explicit in the Mother’s
new denouement (7). New Year Message of 1956:
“The greatest victories are the least noisy.
The manifestation of a new world is not
proclaimed by beat of drum (10).”
The New Year’s message of the following
year (1957) was more revelatory:
“A Power greater than that of Evil can alone
win the victory.
It is not a crucified but a glorified body that will
save the world (11).”
The Mother recounts:
“The Supermind had descended long ago —
very long ago — into the mind and even into
the vital: it was working in the physical also
but indirectly through those intermediaries.
The question was about the direct action of the
Supermind in the physical. Sri Aurobindo said