Page 8 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 8
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 1, 24th April 2024
performed involuntarily in an unconscious goes on without the interference of the mind-
manner, as in somnambulism or temporal principle, “…. one which seems to be a kind of
lobe epilepsy or even hypoglycemia, demon- automatism carrying on its work in the physical
strating an episodic time-span of automatic plane without any intervention of the mind
behaviour which is invariably brief and and in parts even beyond any possibility of
followed by normal behaviour. In contrast, direct observation by the mind or, if conscious
the principle of automaticity is exhibited in or observable, still proceeding or capable of
conscious states not as episodic patterns but continuing, when once started, by an apparently
as chronic, persistent, repetitive and often mechanical action not needing direction by
pervasive patterns. the mind and continuing so long as the mind
does not intervene (3).” One is reminded how
It was only in the beginning of the 21 electrons go on rotating in their orbit!
century that the principle of automaticity was
recognised in psychology as an alternative The evolutionary nisus has to struggle to
explanation for habitual behaviours that escape from the limitations of a stereotyped
cannot be adequately explained by resurgence harmony to a harmony of a higher denouement
of repressed material, though Sri Aurobindo of spontaneity, luminous perfection and
had dwelt on it long back in The Life Divine delight. The evolution, “…. proceeds through
(serialised between 1914 to 1919) and the pregnant confusion of the mind and life of
explained how evolution begins with a blind a humanity driven by this inferior Nature but
automatism of Matter resulting in an obscure struggling to escape from her limitations, to
harmony of a stereotyped existence. “The master and drive and use her; it emerges into
evolution begins with the automatism of Matter a greater spontaneous harmony and automatic
and of a lower life in which all obeys implicitly self-fulfilling action founded on the spiritual
the drive of Nature, fulfils mechanically its law truth of things…. There will be a luminous and
of being and therefore succeeds in maintaining enjoyed perfection of unity with all instead of a
a harmony of its limited type of existence and blind and suffered subjection of the individual
action…. (2)” to the universal, and at every moment the
action of the universal in the individual and the
individual in the universal will be enlightened
and governed by the rule of the transcendent
Supernature (4).” Only then can we have
sustainable victory over the automaticity
that characterises our physical mind.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
It is interesting to note that Obsessive-
Compulsive disorder (OCD), an ailment
Even in his last prose writings (1949-50), involving the physical mind (of yoga
he commented about a kind of automatism psychology), is now no longer being
in the physical plane of consciousness that explained in psychoanalytical terms.