Page 15 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 15

Namah                        The Role of Pain and Suffering in our Growth

        Pain and suffering in the evolutionary  become impediments to growth.
                                                 Leaving our comfort-zone is scary. It involves
        Even within the evolutionary process, pain  a disruption of the familiar order, a venture
        and suffering find their place. Sri Aurobindo,  into the unknown. Ideally, we would
        in his The Synthesis of Yoga, proposes two key  consciously choose to step out, seeking new
        principles governing nature’s workings.  experiences and fostering personal growth.
        The first principle is a drive towards increasingly  However, if we cling too tightly to comfort,
        complex harmony. Evolution progresses  the evolutionary force may intervene, pushing
        from simple to complex forms, each stage  us out with a ‘crushing blow’.
        a more refined expression of wholeness.
        However, the second principle introduces a  Often, this push comes in the form of painful
        counterpoint. As forms solidify, they also tend  life-experiences — the loss of a loved one,
        to stagnate and become rigid. This rigidity,  a job or some other significant setback or
        according to Sri Aurobindo, necessitates a  disease. These disruptions, though painful,
        breaking down, a dissolving, to pave the way  can shake us awake from our comfortable

        for a new, more complex level of existence.  slumber. They create a churning within, a
        Think of a caterpillar transforming into a  dissatisfaction with the status-quo and a
        butterfly — a necessary destruction of the old  yearning for something more.
        form to create something more magnificent.
        Sri Aurobindo even connects this concept  This churning is a crucial step in the awakening
        to rebirth, seeing it as a necessary condition  process. The larger consciousness, the greater
        for immortality on the material plane. Just as  wisdom that permeates everything, may use
        new forms emerge from the breakdown of  these experiences to break down our rigid
        the old, so too can consciousness transcend  patterns and propel us towards a greater
        limitations through a process of renewal.  potential.
        Therefore, destruction, experienced as pain
        and suffering, becomes part of a larger
        creative dance. It’s the breaking down of
        the rigid and outdated to make way for the
        next level of complexity and wholeness in
        the evolutionary journey.

        Stepping out of our comfort-zones

        Stagnation, whether of the ego, a mental
        construct, or an emotional or physical habit,  The pain of disruption: a catalyst for
        acts as a barrier to our evolution. Ironically,  transformation
        our very desire for comfort and harmony at
        the physical and sensory level can lead to  The quest for self-transformation goes hand-
        this fossilisation. We build comfort-zones,  in-hand with a potential disruption of the
        routines and ways of being that eventually  status-quo. As we evolve, we may leave

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