Page 10 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 10
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 2, 15th July 2024
Body-Consciousness being is the aim of the Yoga — the body is not
excluded, but at the same time this part of the
The inertia of the physical plane has to be endeavour is the most difficult and doubtful
dealt with by infusing it with higher powers — the rest, though not facile, is comparatively
of consciousness. This infusion is what less difficult to accomplish. One must start with
we ordinarily do when we put the body an inner control of the consciousness over the
under a planned regimen of physical culture body, a power to make it obey more and more
and this is the main importance of sports. the will or the force transmitted to it. In the
This phenomenon can be further developed end as a higher and higher Force descends
and refined so that the body automatically and the plasticity of the body increases, the
responds to willed suggestions; an endeavour transformation becomes possible (7)”.
that needs the development of a subtle body-
consciousness. The Mother admitted that He further adds, “If the consciousness cannot
making the vital and the mind still is easier determine the physical action and reaction in
than stilling the body’s cells as in the realm the present body, if it needs a different basis,
of the body, it is difficult to be perfectly still then that means this different basis must
without inertia or tamas. She also described be prepared by different means. By what
that if one really learnt the art of being still means? Physical? The old Yogis tried to do
without being inert or tamasic, one could feel it by physical tapasya; others by seeking the
the glow of a warm little light, very bright and elixir of life, etc. According to this Yoga, the
wonderfully still, behind (6). The cultivation action of the higher Force and consciousness
of the body-consciousness, underlying the which includes the subtle action of Agni has to
gross physical, is therefore essential in a open and prepare the body and make it more
programme of personal growth. responsive to Consciousness-Force instead of
being rigid in its present habits (called laws).
The development of the body-consciousness But a different basis can only be created by
is primarily achieved as one detaches oneself the supramental action itself. What else but
from the gross physical and traverses the the supermind can determine its own basis
inner ranges of the being. Exploring the subtle (8)?”
physical and the cellular consciousness is
more difficult than exploring the inner vital
and the inner mind. Exploring the cellular
consciousness is not a common endeavour
and can only be taken up by highly selective
The ultimate aim of developing the body-
consciousness is to make the body ready for
the great transformative change as envisaged
in Integral Yoga. Sri Aurobindo comments,
“It is quite true that the surrender and the
consequent transformation of the whole