Page 23 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 23

Namah                                        Yoga Lessons from Nature

        Every culture has something invaluable to  complements, he forms a complete team. A
        teach us; we just need to listen and be open  small team can only get a small unit of work
        to learning.                             done. But all the teams can come together
                                                 and collaborate for a bigger project, working
        The world is a mosaic of cultures, and we are  harmoniously symbiotically together.
        all part of the grand tapestry of humanity.
                                                 Saprophytes are the cleaning team in the
        Uniformity kills the human spirit because it  plant kingdom. They are given prized
        fundamentally goes against Nature. Totalitarian  places on the forest floor because they
        states, afraid of diversity — as imagined by  do what other plants cannot do. They eat
        George Orwell in Nineteen Eighty-Four — have  dead matter and replenish the soil. They
        become realities and many have already been  do the dirty work and reward the rest with
        wiped out. Every so often, there are drives to  nutrients. They are the support-system that
        create a monoculture but they fail to trap the  make life liveable. Humans have a large
        human spirit. The genie or genius is let loose  number of support personnel. But are they
        before long. To know human nature, we can  given the dignity of their labour? Could
        observe Nature. As we re-learn to live with  we also respect the trash-collectors, the
        her, let us also learn to live as her.   gutter-sweepers and toilet-cleaners? Also,
                                                 those who mop our floors, cook our foods,
                                                 wash our clothes? If they are machines, we
                                                 could take good care of them instead of
                                                 overworking them. We could offer a glass
                                                 of water to the postman and the delivery
                                                 man. We could feel grateful towards those
                                                 in our support-chain — the coal-miners, the
                                                 goods train, the truck-drivers, the engineers,
                                                 doctors who take care of all these people,
                                                 trainers, teachers and all those rendering
                                                 public services. When drinking a glass of
        Symbiosis                                water, if we could remember to be grateful,
                                                 there would be plenty of times in a day we
        For to live naturally is to live symbiotically.  would feel gratitude. Gratitude is good for
        The pretty orchid that is a parasite and sucks  the heart — it expands it and keeps out
        the sap of the mother tree actually helps it  blockages.
        in an indispensable way — to propagate
        itself. The orchid attracts pollinators that  Resource consciousness
        fertilise the flowers and turn them into fruits.
        The birds feast on the fruits and carry the  Regarding wastage and excess, we can
        seeds to far-off places. Complementarity is  learn from nature’s ways of recycling, reusing
        essential for a harmonious living. Man too, is not  and her energy efficiency. A leaf that was the
        designed to survive alone, leave alone thrive.  main bread-earner for the tree gets old and
        When he partners with his complement, or  becomes a tailor bird nest. When it falls, it

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