Page 25 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 25

Namah                                        Yoga Lessons from Nature

                                                 melodious dance-drama, beauty squandered
                                                 in a moment in playful abandon. It’s mostly
                                                 a solo show, sometimes involving duals as
                                                 between antlers or a multi-party chasing
                                                 game as in the kangaroo kingdom. Humans
                                                 take themselves too seriously and end up
                                                 complicating matters. Not playing with co-
                                                 workers creates unhealthy competition. Not
                                                 playing with children generates mistrust.
                                                 Not interacting with different people creates

                                                 A wonderful lesson we can learn from plants
                                                 is turning towards the sun. And letting
                                                 everybody else turn towards the sun in their
                                                 own way. We embrace diversity and realise
                                                 that only diversity can save us as a species,
                                                 and can save the planet. Deep down at the
                                                 core is the wisdom of the SSvetassvataopanissad,
        in harmony — no Tower of Babel here. And
        when they drag food many times their size,   that the wise have discovered through psychic
        they do so diligently all summer, so that   experiments: ekam bījam bahudha yah karoti one
        they don’t starve in winter. The man-made   seed that is multiplied in so many beings. The
        granaries ensure a similar food security   One has become the Many because it wants
        during times of duress. And the ants start   to seek itself out in manifold ways. This is
        by feeding their babies first, something   Its play, the delightful leela. The better we
        humans also do. But only locally, within the   are able to emulate It, the better for us. And
        group they call their own. Children in other   we cannot be lost when we have Nature for
        countries starve. And when adults fight,   our guide.
        children are left without food, medicine and
        sometimes parents.


        But not all lessons of Nature are hard to copy.
        She can be playful and man has to learn this from
        her too. Male birds showing off their feathers is
        playful and comic while it is functional. It is a

         Lopa Mukherjee is a psychologist and educator. She conducts workshops and teaches culture, soft skills
                              and related subjects. She lives in Pondicherry.

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