Page 28 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 28
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 2, 15th July 2024
ambition, greed, fear and money, making the Intelligence or the Consciousness hidden
it unrecognisable from its parent spiritual behind the surfaces, discover the great secret
experience which is lost or remains as a hidden behind the appearances where we see
shell and a crust, at best a folklore, at worst a only an endless diversity.
narrow rigid dogmatic creed whose truth is
lost in the maze of a belied system. Still there
is always a possibility in religion to discover
its spiritual core, at least for an individual
who is a sincere seeker of Truth.
But ideological means of building unity often
fare even worse. They may not enforce a
common code, but they are locked within
the boundaries of idea and ideology that is
not ready to accept and accommodate other The journey of man
ideologies and their proponents. The rot
sets in much earlier than religion, leading But this journey from our self-identification
to either disillusionment with its attendant with the surfaces of life, which is akin to the
cynicism and loss of hope, or else a violent animal driven by instincts, to the depths where
intolerance, a vehement opposition to all intuitive gleams from a hidden sun enter the
other viewpoints different from its own. inner spaces of our human consciousness, is
The rest is history if we carefully study the a long one through many steps and stages.
history of ideologies. They make the same Each of these steps and stages creates a type
mistake as religions do, of customising and of humanity, like many intermediary sub-
standardising life. species. The journey itself is called Yoga and
Religions and ideologies, both have failed its purpose is to accelerate the evolutionary
to find the perfect answer to the problem of process by making the human being more
Unity in diversity. Nature does it effortlessly and more conscious. The process of becoming
because it acts without an egoistic stress on conscious takes place first without man’s active
this or that creature. It acts impersonally, involvement. It is just as animals evolve out
universally, pouring itself equally in each of plants, without even knowing what is
element of creation. But this equality keeps going on. They are totally unaware of any
everything in its rightful, proper place and in Intelligence and Power operating from
just proportions. Man too, can accomplish this behind. This Cosmic Intelligence and Power
seemingly impossible feat by identifying with acts, on the one hand, by offering challenges
the vast Intelligence and Power that operates through which a given species must pass.
in the depths of creation. Material nature
operates mechanically, but behind its most On the other hand, it acts on the species by
trivial of operations there lies a vast universal pushing it to the extreme limits and the eventual
Intelligence. Piercing and penetrating the emergence through successive transmutation.
surfaces of life, we too can enter into these Man too, is pushed unconsciously in the same
concealed depths and growing, be one with manner through a series of challenges. In