Page 9 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 9
Namah Editorial
This is why the Mother recommended that, room. Indeed, each space one uses should
early in life, the child must be educated to have attributes that facilitate their usage. A
distinguish between desires and needs (2). study can be designed in such a way that
Even now, the body which spontaneously mere entry into that space can stimulate one
absorbs nutritive substances usually tries to to study; a therapeutic clinic can be designed
reject poisons. With the development of the to be a repository of healing vibrations.
subtle body consciousness, the body could
be trained to obey higher intuitions as now The habit of going to sleep after a day’s
it cannot go back to its earlier faculty of exertion may not result in a refreshing sleep
instinctual selection. and one can wake up with fatigue or short-
lived freshness. “Sleep must not be a fall into
Perfection at the physical consciousness unconsciousness which makes the body heavy
instead of refreshing it (4).”
However, for the ordinary aspirant, there
are other attributes of the physical that One can learn to pass consciously into a
can be universally explored, especially the qualitatively better sleep that is refreshing
pursuit of perfection at the physical plane. even if of shorter duration. A few moments of
This attempt at perfection extends from the such luminous sleep can be more rejuvenating
individual to one’s surroundings. Thus, the than hours of dull sleeping. Therapists use
food one eats needs to be cooked with the relaxation techniques in stress-management
right attitude and with the invocation of but relaxation is a universal art that needs
consciousness during the very act of cooking. to be learned by everyone. The Mother
Instead of hurriedly gulping down food, one advocated that this art should be taught
should train oneself to be peaceful while to children when they are very young (5).
eating. As a rule, food should not be used as Learning to relax facilitates a better quality
incentives or punishments for children, as of sleep.
this leads to misplaced notions about healthy
lifestyles. Perfection can be practised in all areas of
physical activities, during walking, while
Mother explained, “The all-absorbing interest picking up an object, while tearing open a
which nearly all human beings, even the most sealed letter and organising one’s drawers.
intellectual, have in food, its preparation and its The urge and art to be graceful itself brings
consumption, should be replaced by an almost perfection.
chemical knowledge of the needs of the body
and a very scientific austerity in satisfying
them (3).”
One’s own living space also has to be created
with elements of consciousness so that the
space can radiate joy and peace and be
conducive for inner growth. Such a space can
be made to manifest even in one’s drawing-