Page 13 - NAMAH-Oct-2024
P. 13
Namah Editorial
falsehood and a perversion. Money is meant Virtues and Perfection
to increase the wealth, the prosperity and the
productiveness of a group, a country or, better, The value of virtues in personal growth raises
of the whole earth. Money is a means, a force, an interesting question if one views it
a power, and not an end in itself. And like not morally but from a wider psychological
all forces and all powers, it is by movement perspective. Inevitably, personal growth in
and circulation that it grows and increases its spiritual terms is apt to be viewed in moralistic
power, not by accumulation and stagnation terms. However, if a spiritual perspective of
(11).” growth is not strictly restricted to the religious
paradigm but is based on ever-expanding
These basic postulates recommend that vistas of consciousness, then a life tied
in a pursuit of personal growth, one must down to virtues would not fully reflect the
neither have an ascetic rejection nor a vital truth of existence. The Consciousness that
attachment to the money-power but regard it preceded creation had no divisions and so
as something that is to be won over for service was simple but once creation was permitted,
to the Higher Consciousness…. Consciousness had to become complex and
manifold and now if the original simplicity
“If you are free from the money-taint but without has to be experienced, it has to be done in
any ascetic withdrawal, you will have a greater a new denouement, with a manifold and
power to command the money for the divine rich simplicity. “Nature in its effort towards
work…. The ideal Sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) in expression, was compelled to have recourse
this kind is one who if required to live poorly to an unbelievable, almost endless complexity
can so live and no sense of want will affect in order to reproduce the original Simplicity.
him or interfere with the full inner play of the It brings us back to the same thing: it is that
divine consciousness, and if he is required to excess of complexity which makes possible a
live richly, can so live and never for a moment simplicity that isn’t empty — a rich simplicity.
fall into desire or attachment to his wealth or An all-embracing simplicity, whereas without
to the things that he uses or servitude to self- those complexities, simplicity is empty (13).”
indulgence or a weak bondage to the habits Naturally, as a corollary, life itself becomes
that the possession of riches create… In the complex and it would be oversimplified to
supramental creation the money-force has tie it to a set of virtues. That does not mean
to be restored to the Divine Power and used we have to shun virtues for an immoral life;
for a true and beautiful and harmonious rather virtues have to be placed in their proper
equipment and ordering of a new divinized context in the holarchy of consciousness along
vital and physical existence…. But first it with other elements needed for growth and
must be conquered back…. and those will perfection.
be strongest for the conquest who are in this
part of their nature strong and large and The Mother explained:
free from ego and surrendered without any
claim or withholding or hesitation , pure “Virtue claims to seek perfection, but perfection
and powerful channels for the Supreme is a totality. So the two movements are
Puissance (12).” contradictory: virtue, which eliminates,