Page 21 - NAMAH-Oct-2024
P. 21

Namah                                            Dreams and Sadhana

                                                 disciples over decades, often She describes
                                                 her dream experiences. She does not call them
                                                 dreams, to distinguish between her conscious
                                                 experiences and unconscious dreams. After
                                                 Sri Aurobindo’s passing in 1950, the Mother
                                                 would report how He talked to her about
                                                 their yoga in her dream experiences. She
                                                 recounts one of her dream experiences in 1970
                                                 where a dream event indicated a profound
                                                 change in the real world:

        Dreaming cannot be learnt as a theory. Each   “Not last night but the night before, for the
        one will have to practise it diligently. When   first time I saw — it was the first time — Sri
        dreaming becomes dream yoga as a path to   Aurobindo drove the car. He was driving the
        self-realisation, dreams have to be honoured   car, I was there right behind him, and then the
        as deities. In ancient times, people spent a   whole world seemed to be there. But between
        lot of time and money traveling to far-off   me and Sri Aurobindo, that is to say, between
        dream retreat centres, such as Pergamon.   the world and Sri Aurobindo, there was what
        They incubated dreams and went through   looked like one of those screens at the front
        elaborate rituals; spent years learning from   [a windshield], but it was a mat so that one
        their dreams; honoured the shamans and priests   couldn’t see through. I myself could see, but the
        as messengers from the dream world. This is   others couldn’t, and I saw Sri Aurobindo at the
        how a Buddhist monk from medieval Japan,   wheel, and he was the one who was driving.
        named Myoe Shonin, used his dreams:      He was… ageless, with an extraordinary power,
                                                 and a MASTERY in the driving, extraordinary!
        “In effect, Myoe’s dream served him as a   And it was as if… he were beginning to drive
        spiritual classroom where he could learn   the world.
        how to improve his contemplative techniques
        and further develop his visionary capacities   “I said to myself, ‘How come …?’ It’s the first
        (15).”  Myoe’s aim was, “ reach a state of   time. I see him almost every night, but always
        awareness where the distinctions of waking,   busy, going here and there, doing this or staying
        sleeping, and dreaming no longer matter, where   still or seeing people, or apparently doing
        consciousness can freely explore the farthest   nothing. But here, he was driving the car — it
        reaches of its own latent abilities (16).”  was the car of the world — and there was a
                                                 screen so people wouldn’t see it was him....
        Dream Yoga in Indian spiritual traditions  The whole, entire world was at the back, and
                                                 people didn’t know, but it was driven with
        In the Integral Yoga laid down by the spiritual   extraordinary sureness and speed.
        masters, Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) and the
        Mother (1878-1973), dreaming is an important   “When I woke up, I had the impression that
        aspect of sadhana, the yogic practice. In the   something had really changed.
        Mother’s conversations, as recorded by her

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