Page 10 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 10
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025
can be active and effective, “Whatever has “.… all in outer mind
been done in the world has been done by the Is made, not born, a product perishable (2).”
very few who can stand outside the action in
silence; for it is they who are the instruments The outer mind deals with the ordinary trail
of the Divine Power. They are dynamic agents, of ideas and the reasoning faculty makes
conscious instruments; they bring down the logical constructions selecting, rejecting
forces that change the world. Things can be and amalgamating ideas according to
done in that way, not by a restless activity. In necessity and convenience. However, such
peace, in silence and in quietness the world was logical constructions are erected on shifting
built; and each time that something is to be truly strands and can be always dismantled to be
built, it is in peace and silence and quietness replaced by newer constructions; theses can
that it must be done. (1).” be countered by antitheses and it is difficult
to conceive of a durable synthesis. The outer
mind also has to deal with ideas that relate to
cultural, social and educational norms which
at times may act as a deterrent to rational
thinking. The inner or subliminal mind, on
the other hand, is capable of directly receiving
and manifesting creative ideas without the
strenuous ordeal of logical constructions.
The inner mind is a pure psychological space
that acts as a receptacle of creative thoughts,
originating at higher and deeper levels of
The source of thoughts The Superconscious Realms
Traditionally, when the mind has been silenced, The inner consciousness can be raised to
the inner being acts as a non-judgmental, progressively higher cognitive matrices
detached witness, watching the flow of ideas above the rational mind and intelligent will.
that come to the outer mind, letting them pass One rises to the Higher Mind of mass ideation
away or rejecting the unwanted thoughts that can expand endlessly and thence to the
and allowing in only the screened, selected Illumined Mind where a revelatory ideograph
thoughts. We are usually totally identified illumines the Truth without need of verbal
with our thoughts and consider that they representation. One can climb higher to the
arise in our mind and as such we possess Intuitive Mind that reflects intuitive thoughts,
them. It is only when one has taken a poise inspirational wisdom, revelation of Truth and
in the inner mind that we can discover that knowledge through identity. At the next step,
thoughts do not rise de novo in the outer the individual mental field can get linked to
mind, but invade our minds from the external the global cognitive field (Overmind) where
world. We can then experientially perceive differentiation is initiated from the unitary
that: consciousness. Further up is the possibility