Page 14 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 14

Namah                                  Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025

        concentrated through wilful focus, an internal  transformation within the yogic process
        heating or energization occurs within us in  is the same, but its application lies in
        relation to our object of concentration. This  transforming our psychological nature.
        process can be applied to the activation of an  For instance, if you are an individual
        idea, leading to the revelation of its essence,  burdened by fears and hesitant to take bold
        the emergence of corresponding experiences  actions, cultivating the power of courage
        in life, and ultimately, its objective and  within yourself becomes paramount. This
        subjective manifestation. The idea evolves  can be achieved by redirecting your attention,
        from its formless state to become a tangible  which often drifts from one thought to another,
        reality or an embodied capacity.         particularly towards negative self-beliefs
                                                 centred around fears. You must focus your
        In our external lives, when we want to construct  attention consistently and persistently on the
        a house, our attention naturally gravitates  idea of courage, akin to a person dedicating
        towards the concept of a house. Materially, the  their energy to conceiving and constructing
        house does not yet exist; it is at this stage an  a house. The distinction lies in manifesting
        abstract idea, existing solely in our subjective  psychological qualities, specifically developing
        space as a vague concept. However, as we  courage in this example. As you consistently
        gradually focus on this idea, its details begin  focus on the idea of courage day after
        to take shape. We may collaborate with an  day and over an extended period, the
        architect to meticulously design a detailed  knowledge of courage gradually emerges.
        form, which requires time and collective effort  This knowledge then progresses towards
        from all involved parties until the house is  experiences of courage, ultimately leading to
        transformed into a comprehensive drawing  the manifestation of a tangible capacity for
        or digital model. Meanwhile, we gather  courage, enabling you to take courageous
        financial resources and other necessary  actions. This process represents the yogic
        materials to translate this detailed drawing  practice of tapas, which facilitates inner
        into a tangible reality. Subsequently, the  transformation.
        construction process unfolds, transforming the
        idea of a house into the material manifestation
        of our vision. Throughout this process, our
        thoughts, emotions, senses, and bodily
        actions converge towards the realisation of
        this house. This process represents a form of
        tapas, a common practice in our daily lives. Any
        creative endeavour, whether it is constructing a
        building, creating a film or composing a poem,
        necessitates a concentrated will that focuses on
        an idea to materialise it in the world.

        Tapasya of Inner Transformation          Swami Vivekananda provides a compelling
                                                 illustration of this process through his inspiring
        The fundamental movement of self-        and energising manner of expression,

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