Page 34 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 34
Namah Vol. 23, Issue 3, 15th October 2015
Expanding through pain
James Anderson
This article, based largely on personal experience, looks at the problem and nature of pain, suggesting
some ways of expanding in consciousness beyond it. Pain is a schooling and the process of expansion
accompanies us over its entire course until it reaches its ultimate stage of transformation.
The problem of pain a new milestone in our individual progress.
So whenever we are called upon to process
No one escapes pain: it is an intrinsic part of pain we have the opportunity to expand
living. However, as one grows in con- beyond it. We can become larger than the pain
sciousness, one is usually faced with the task that we carry. It is the only way if one wants
of bearing more and more of it.There is a to derive any benefit from the experience. We
hierarchy of consciousness and the higher can only grow if we find a way of dealing
one climbs, the greater the load one is usually with pain. We lapse into victimhood if we
asked to carry. It may well be possible to soar allow it to engulf us. Often however, one
above the gravitational pull of pain but in might find the onslaught too great for our
the context of Integral Health, the issue has capacity to absorb. In such circumstances,
to be squarely addressed. Although pain medical intervention will become imperative.
should never be invited, if it comes, one has One has to be realistic about accepting it. It
to go through it. need not be a defeat. The interlude may offer
a valuable breathing space; it may help us to
Pain, when viewed with the right attitude, assimilate and re-gather our strength for the
gives us important lessons in life. These are journey ahead.
markers and stepping-stones in our growth.
Each of us can muse on the lessons that pain Pain is like an alarm bell; it signals something
gives us. For me, it seems always to herald an that needs to be addressed. Erosion will only
urgent reminder to shift back into the body. set in if it becomes too chronic. We do need to
Whatever the lesson, we find our capacity trust our bodies: the body is our anchor in
enlarging as we pass through. Each time a life; it is also our docile servant. I find that
pain is surmounted and conquered, we reach pain, when it becomes more persistent, can