Page 32 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 32

Namah                                         Vol. 23, Issue 3, 15th October 2015

drawn towards the stakes and take interest        beginning with’ Snakes and Ladders’ and ‘I
in them.                                          spy’ right up to our modern computer games.
                                                  Just as technology is an extension of man and
The real thing is growth through the play         what we are within we tend to unconsciously
and the experience of navigating through          reproduce outside so here too, these games that
difficulties that are in fact evolutionary        man has played and loved since antiquity are
challenges. In our infant stage we need these     a sign that the script of these games is hidden
things or else we may not play at all and lose    within us and some intuition has grasped it
the possible blossoming of the evolutionary       well even as the experience of countless
seed in us. After a while we want to play for     mystics has testified to it. But naturally if we
the sake of playing better, even when no          start with the opposite premise that Nature
reward is attached to it. The delight of playing  is unconscious and mechanical, then we
well, the delight of mastery, the delight of      would not see even if something is there in
conquering some aspect or movement of             front of us. We may even say that our very
Nature is reward enough. None else is             act of seeing Nature as unconscious is a
needed though it also comes since Nature          reflection of the degree of unconsciousness
plays with fairness and if one has negotiated     that we ourselves harbour within us. As we
one level and seen through the mask of            grow more conscious, we begin to feel and
circumstances these are taken away and the        see and interact with nature as a conscious
secrets and powers of nature hiding behind        force, at first and then as a conscious being
the challenging situations are revealed and       with which we can communicate and relate
given to the player like points he has earned.    to if we learn her secret sign language. The
Of course it is up to each player how he uses     final proof can only come by our own growth
these points which again implies choices,         in consciousness and inner knowledge, an
though choices of a higher kind. We can cash      exploration into our secret corners and
the points earned for smaller rewards and         recesses like a scientist to discover or discard
get back to the same previous level at which      this hypothesis. There is no other perfect way
we played the game, or else we can use it to      but to try it out ourselves and perhaps there
jump across a level and go fast forward. It is    will be more surprises in store for us than we
these choices we pass through the various         can imagine. This is one of the differences
and manifold situations and circumstances         between a scientist and a yogi. The scientist
of our life that the evolutionary path opens      limits himself in fixed paradigms and ends
before us and we are allocated different levels   up proving these since he is not willing to
of our play, based on the capacity we have        look further beyond the walls of mud built by
displayed and the choices we have made.           matter. But the yogi is willing to take the other
                                                  route and explore into unseen and unknown
We may pause and ask at this level, what is       hazardous territories of our inner subjective
the proof that Nature is playing such a game?     and inwardly objective dimensions of
Well, the proofs are quite a few but one that     existence and study and master them even
stares at our eyes is simply this, that man, a    as a material scientist masters forces of
product of nature, has created such a game.       material nature. When this inner mastery
In fact he has loved playing such games,          impacts and influences the ‘defined’ course

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