Page 35 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 35
Namah Expanding through pain
easily erode this natural trust. Each of us relies If there is already a physical flaw, it will only
on our body but this intrusion threatens the augment this inherent weakness and the
very connection itself. The mind may even onset of pain will multiply. Pain is always a
come to regard the body as its chief tormentor reminder that our inner and outer work is
and everything will then go awry. The not yet finished. Outside intrusions will
different sides of our nature will start always knock on our doors but, as long as
sparring and colliding; all inner harmony the surface nature presides, this improper
will then be lost. A schism will set in, bringing reception to them will persist and lead to pain.
ill-health and misery in its wake. This is why the discovery of something still
more subliminal than these parts, namely our
Nature of pain soul, provides the key that unlocks all the
doors, not least to pain. If one lives in the
I find that pain proliferates in closed spaces. consciousness of the soul, pain becomes the
This applies as much to psychological pain sweetest ecstasy. The soul has the ability to
as bodily pain. When facing it, the being master and expand our entire being to
shrinks. On a physical level the nerves shrink; limitless dimensions.There can be no greater
indeed every part of our frame shrinks. If it panacea to pain. We should be realistic
persists long enough, one invariably loses though. This realisation may take many years
weight.Everything becomes as tight as a to arrive. However, in the meantime, we have
drum. The nerves need to unclench and always the opportunity to expand.
expand. The whole being needs to relax.
Finding our soul is one matter and the search
The prospect arises when our nature gets too may prove elusive at times, but we can at least
congested inside. When its different parts get attend to our nature. Actually I feel that the
entangled it provides a seed for pain to sprout two processes come hand in hand. The
and eventually come forward. If its circuitry process of finding our soul will slowly but
becomes overloaded with inrushes from surely unfold if our sincerity is strong. The
outside, pain ensues. The same thing can work is a little like keeping our garden in
bring pleasure or pain. Indeed both these two order. As the beds and flowers become more
features are also the ‘same thing’: they are neatly arranged, it encourages the sun to shine
only deformations and conceal the true forth over the entire space. But we can only
foundation of Enanda, the essential backdrop put things in order if we expand first. By
of all existence (1). So the fate just lies in the expanding, we build a wonderful immunity
manner of our reception: to pain. By becoming vast, there is nowhere
for it to lurk and hide. In addition, by
“It is the incompleteness and weakness of expanding, we can take a pro-active role in
the Consciousness-Force manifested in the our healing. We become more conscious of
mental, vital and physical being, its inability the role that each part of our nature has to
to receive or refuse at will, or, receiving, to take in this wonderful play.These different
assimilate or harmonise the contacts of the facets become easier to distinguish and
universal Energy cast upon it, that is the enhance our knowledge. Our inner condition
cause of pain and suffering (2).” becomes more transparent. Things become