Page 31 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 31

Namah                                             Evolution Next — V

individual existence and which at the same        are up again and get back to the game of
time we want to tame and master. And when         games that she, the creative and many-
we have, with great effort and perseverance,      sided mother, has devised for our joy. The
mastered one movement or force of Nature,         perspective changes and with it our choices.
more spring up to overwhelm us with its           Our conscious participation makes it easier
ambiguous face. Each time we win a race with      for us to collaborate in her greater plan. We
Nature, each time we jump over a fence she        graduate from her school of ordinary life
has built around us, the bar gets raised and      faster and start playing with her higher
as we wonder if there is ever an end to our       energies. We climb the green delight of her
search and our finding, the beyond now            hills and she unveils before our eyes the white
within our reach opens doors to a yet greater     purity of the snow peaks and the sheer delight
beyond.                                           of that featureless Oneness which yet sustains
                                                  the million energies that feed the world.
Clearly we have missed her intent because
we believe it is not an intentional game          Levels of play
played by a conscious force but an unintel-
ligent, mechanical energy, robot-like, that is    When we have thus discerned the real sense
confronting us. Therefore we believe that we      of the play, we discover that the play takes
too can conquer this energy by mechanical         place at many levels much like the modern
means and robot-like techniques and processes.    computer games. Each level mastered
We succeed and we fail at the same time as        upgrades the play by one notch for us,
each new success reveals us the next step before  automatically as it were. Each failure keeps
which we lie crestfallen. But if we take the      the play tied down to the same level, repeating
other view that Nature is a conscious Force,      itself any number of times with slight
a mother in disguise who is playing the role      variations but with the same basic design and
of teacher, to raise our potential to the nth     plot. The world scenes are like images on the
degree possible, then the scenario changes.       computer or television screens where our
Evolution becomes a discovery of our highest      choices act like switches to tune in to different
and deepest possibilities and through this        types of games presenting itself through
game of hide and seek, this cat and mouse-        situations and circumstances of life through
like chase, Nature unveils and gifts us, as a     which we must navigate with hurdles set
teacher to its student who has passed             across the path and also brownie points that
successfully an exam, her own greater and         catapult us further. But regardless of failure
greater powers, rewards of greater know-          and success, regardless of our momentary
ledge, possibilities of sporting with danger      pleasure or pain, we keep growing as we play
and unforeseen delights. We then begin to         the game. Each practice helps us make one
participate in the game as conscious players      step further even when we are playing at the
who are aware of the goal and laws and rules      same level. We grow through the experience
of the game. We may still win and lose, rise      of playing itself and success and failure are
and fall, rejoice and weep, succeed and fail,     simply tags attached by Nature to keep us
escape or be hurt momentarily but we never        engaged in the game. These are not part of
lose sight of the play. The next moment we        her main play but side-processes to keep us

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