Page 24 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 24
Namah Vol. 23, Issue 4, 15th January 2016
to’, are hallmarks of this stage. age, if not sooner.
Refined sugar and flour, industrially Level three: eating for recovery
produced meats and dairy and poor quality
fats are in this category. Food choices The inevitable cumulative effects of Level
typically reflect what we were fed as young one and Level two eating are poor body
children to reward our quiet and appease composition — frequently obesity — and
us, such as ice cream, cookies and milk, diminished energy, health and brightness of
candy and soft drinks. Excessive coffee, mood. People experiencing these effects
alcohol or refined flour products and sweets often go on a diet formulated by someone
are also Level one eating. Emotional eating, else that organises foods into good and bad
which often means compulsive over-eating, categories and limits quantities. It may or
is a Level one adaptation to pain, tension may not emphasise high-quality, organic
and stress. foods. Examples of Level three eating are
diet-books that promise quick and lasting
Level two: eating for energy weight-loss.
Blood sugar regulation drives one’s food The benefits of such diets are typically
choices at this level. We choose substantial short-lived. There is an immediate positive
foods that allay hunger. The goal is to fill effect from eating fewer refined and
up and not have to eat again for three to four processed foods, but then we reach a point
hours. In Level Two, carbohydrates become of diminishing return. The diet is no longer
less refined; breads may have some whole satisfying and no longer producing the
wheat in them, but are still highly processed. promised effects. The tendency then is to
Fast-foods like burgers and burritos are stay with the rigid, reductionist approach
common choices. Little concern is placed on even longer or to slip back to Level one or
the quality of the food, the likely nutrient Level two eating patterns.
loss due to processing, possible pesticide
residues, environmental toxins or added This is a more mature approach than the
hormones, antibiotics, colouring and artificial first two levels, but it can be tiresome,
flavours. Quickly accessible foods, such as judgmental and sometimes supplement-
peanut butter, breads, pastas, chips and pizza driven. It can also lead to poorer health, as
are common Level two foods. Fresh fruits and recommendations are geared to the general
vegetables play a minimal role in the diet at public, not to individual needs. Food choices
this stage. Level two eaters are typically for Level one through three are based on
unconcerned with the ecological impact of what is readily available in the market-place
their food choices. or what is seen in advertisements.
While filling and sometimes satisfying, Level four: Eating for Health
Level two eating is unsustainable for most
people and will eventually lead to serious, The goal of this level is lifelong learning
chronic degenerative conditions in middle- about optimum nutrition, the healing effects