Page 37 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 37

Namah                                           Evolution Next — VI

that a new and different humanity with a        or explained away in a linear manner. What
different mode of experiencing ability          if the Reality is not linear but global, the
arrives at very different conclusions about     Truth we seek a supra-rational one? What if
the world and self and its reality? It may      the very sense of cause and effect is an
erect and live in a very different reality and  illusion created by a successive unfolding
engage with the world in very different         of events sequentially in Time? But in reality
ways, as much valid for him as our present      Time itself is nothing but waveforms of
world-view is valid for us and the bygone       Delight rolling forever on the shores of
world of archaic images and myths was           infinity! It would turn our world upside-
valid for another layer of humanity. Who        down, — our religious and scientific thought
will decide which one is best and right? They   would be shattered and with the shattering
are all constructs of reason which presume      there may appear a new and greater Truth
that the world is constructed in a rational     that neither science nor religion can define,
way with clear-cut cause and effects, laws      that escapes all our mental images and rules
and rules of the great game of life.            and laws, is essentially free and limitless and
                                                constantly pouring Itself out in wave after
But what if the game is a gamble and error      wave endlessly. With each wave the
the path leading to Truth and rules and laws    relations between seemingly different
merely a habit and myth, a fiction of the       objects held in mobile space shift and we
mind that sees laws and rules where none        wonder at the hidden cause of this shift, the
exist? Such a thought would be frightening      purpose and the drift of the motion of the
to our reason but also challenging and          stars. But perhaps the drift is not with an
stimulating. It will push man out of his        intended humanlike purpose but a constant
comfort-zone. It will demolish his neat and     unfolding, an effort at expressing what
rational world where everything is explained    simply is.

                                                (To be continued)

Dr. Alok Pandey, an editor of NAMAH and member of SAIIIHR, is a doctor practising at the
                                           Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

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