Page 39 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 39
Namah Ethical considerations in the Eyurveda classics
physician aware of proper conduct and to keep a pleasant mind and wear clean clothes
give advice to the patient and the general and dress correctly, apply perfume, comb
public regarding their treatment. one’s hair and apply oil over one’s head,
ears, nose and feet every day. One should
All ethics can be divided under three broad avoid places with bones, impure hair,
headings, namely kaayika (physical), vaacika garbage, ash, mud, for bathing or worship
(speech and expression) and maanasika (1).
(mental), which are in turn applicable in
both general and special instances. Ecara ya Ethics regarding conduct
Agnivessa has described this ethical part
from different angles such as ethics during In-depth views of conduct-related ethics
initiation, ethics for study, ethics for sexual have been portrayed in the Eyurveda texts.
practices, ethics in medical practices and These guide the reader regarding behaviour
mental ethics, etc. Although Ecaarya Sussruta in general, conversation with the right
mentioned all the above categories, the main company, in public activities, the keeping
emphasis was given to more practical of secrets, laughing, yawning, sneezing,
aspects, i.e. medical and surgical ethics. waking, bathing, drinking, eating, amuse-
Ecaarya Vaagbhatttta, in his chapter on the ment and wandering, etc.(2).
dinacaryaa (daily regimen), briefly symbolised
those ethical parts. Ecaarya Caraka also One should strive for timely conversation,
mentioned on various occasions that talking less but in pleasant and conducive
improper ethical practice leads to disease language when meeting a person one
while proper conduct prevents psychosomatic knows. All talk should be conducted with
disorders. These considerations indicate the goodwill and no one should declare anyone
tremendous importance and wide practice else an enemy. There should be no sense of
of ethical values in Eyurveda. insult or superiority. One should not point
out others’ mistakes or disclose personal
General ethics for a healthy life secrets. The mouth should be covered while
laughing, yawning, sneezing, etc. One
A vivid description of general ethics is found should use a stick or umbrella and wear
in the classics. It includes reverence for the shoes and a turban when walking.
gods, for cows, braahmannas, preceptors,
elders, adepts and teachers. It promotes the One should not take a bath when exhausted.
wearing of holy herbs, bathing twice a day One should not remove all clothes while
and repeated cleansing of the excretory bathing (as it was usually done in the open
orifices and feet, the trimming of head hair, in those days). One should not bathe when
beard and nails thrice a fortnight. It also wearing precious stones. Food should be
includes ethics regarding psychological taken only after chanting mantras or praying,
behaviour, dress code, social dealings, after offering to forefathers, teacher, guests
accountability and some bodily measures, or dependents. Food should be taken after
etc. The main focus is on the cleansing of the proper washing of hands, feet, face and
the body, mind and vicinity. One should clearing of the mouth. One must not be