Page 34 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 34
Notes on counselling
Equality — a prerequisite for higher living
Dr. Soumitra Basu
Equality is not only an attitude but knowledge as well as a yoga. It is a prerequisite for a higher life. A
multifaceted equality has to be cultivated at different parts of the being to culminate in a soul-equipoise.
The subject of equality is an unique factor in understood along several perspectives in
the arena of counselling with implications the individual. Psychologically speaking,
both for the client as well as the counsellor. we have to deal with a multifaceted equality,
Indeed equality is not only an attitude which making it a complex issue. It is not enough
has to be cultivated, it is by its own merit a to establish equality in one’s thinking and
subject that has to be acquired, assimilated attitudes, it is also necessary to have a poise
and lived. of equality in the domain of our vital life,
the life of passion, dynamism and desire.
The word equality seems to be so simple and It is imperative to make equality a guiding
common and yet it is the most elusive and principle in the development of all parts and
chimerical as a reality. This is so not only planes of consciousness and not merely in the
in individual life but also in collective life, development of intellect. Finally, equality
not only in psychology but also in sociology, is a soul-characteristic that comes forward
not only in inter-personal life but also in when the discordant parts of the being have
political life. We know how difficult it is to to be harmonised and integrated around the
establish equality even in the most idealistic ego-surpassing, fourth-dimensional soul-
State without suppressing at least an optimal principle, the Psychic Being.
amount of liberty. If this is true in the life
of a nation, one can guess how much more Equality in the mind
difficult it would be to establish a multifaceted
equality in the life of an individual. Personally, I find it strange that whenever I
am confronted with students who are being
It is important to note that though equality trained to be counsellors, the concept of
seems to be a simple word, it has to be equality is rather casually received when