Page 30 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 30
Namah Vol. 24, Issue 4, 15th January 2017
a little at a time. It gives the patient the time by trying to become aware of the layers of
they need to make the adjustments in their causes behind their ailment. The healer will
attitude and lifestyle to be able to sustain the start up the process, but the patients have to
new energy- field. follow it up with appropriate action. Usually
the patients are invited to locate and correct
An estimate some faults in their thinking and lifestyle.
When the patients participate properly, even
After reading this article some people may longstanding emotional disturbances can be
get the impression that the healer does relieved permanently.
all the healing and the patient has only to
remain a passive recipient. However, this Details on the scope and application of pranic
attitude is very de-motivating to the healer healing or how you can learn to use it are given
and the results of the treatment will also in the author’s book titled, Healing without
not be long-lasting. The reality is that the Drugs (available at Kindle and Amazon online
patients have to participate in the healing bookstores).
Prashant S. Shah is an author, healer, spiritual guide and counsellor from Vadodara, India.