Page 29 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 29

Namah  Overcoming emotional problems through pranic healing

6. The eyebrow chakra                            mantra and waving his hand over the area
                                                 of the chakra. He may also try to enlarge the
This chakra governs the ability to do abstract   chakra by spreading its energy over a slightly
and conceptual thinking and to exercise          wider area.
the will-power. When this chakra is well-
developed, the person has psychic power (the     After treating one or more chakras, the healer
sixth sense), ie. the power to command things,   will balance the flow of energy inside the
to heal and to visualise and act on mental       spinal cord that connects the chakras. He will
images. When there is a lack of energy in this   push the energy up and down to clear the
chakra, the person has attention deficiency, is  blockages in the flow of energy. This is done
unable to conceptualise, command things. In      to ensure that the chakra remains replenished.
addition there can be weakness in the eyes,      In addition, if there is a congestion of excess
the pituitary gland and the lower brain.         prana in the lower chakras, the energy will
Many of these troubles can be relieved by        be profitably diverted to energise some of the
activating this chakra through practices like    higher chakras. In this connection it is interesting
tratak (steady gazing). Pranic healing can be    to note some of the connections of the lower
used ‘to provide the finishing effects’.         chakras with the higher chakras. In particular,
                                                 the second chakra is connected with the fifth
7. The crown chakra                              chakra. So, the sexual force can be diverted to
                                                 enhance the aesthetic side of the person. In the
This chakra has a bearing on our connection      same way, the third chakra is connected with
with the over-soul or the universal conscious-   the sixth chakra. Hence, energy from desires
ness. A well-developed crown chakra makes        and ambition can be diverted to strengthen
a person naturally intuitive and dharmic.        the central will-force. In the same way, the
When there is a lack of energy in this chakra    fourth and seventh chakras are connected.
the person is disconnected from the higher       Hence, devotional practices can develop the
consciousness. Such a person can easily          truth-sense and soul power.
develop atheistic tendencies, feel purposeless
or lack a sense of dharma. He or she will        Clearing the blockages in flow of inter-chakra
keep on looking for solutions in the wrong       energy also has great value for those doing
places! Such disturbances cannot be healed       spiritual practice. It can show them what parts
through persuasion but they can be corrected     of them are progressing too fast and what
by energising this chakra.                       parts are lagging behind. If the imbalance
                                                 is allowed to continue, they become prone
What exactly does the healer do?                 to illness.

The healer usually dips his hand into the        After cleansing, charging, and balancing the
energy-field of the chakra and begins to weed    chakras, the healer will close the energy-field.
out the negative energy from it. He draws        This will ensure that the effect of the healing
it out and flicks it away. After cleaning the    continues for some time.
energy-field, he injects some fresh prana
into the chakra. He may do it by chanting a      This work on a chakra is usually done slowly,

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