Page 33 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 33

Namah                                                             Evolution Next — X

the dinosaur and the mammoth is still alive direction and if they walk this way sincerely,

in them.                                         they are sure to find it.

On the other hand, we also see an increasing     The Promised Land
trend towards mutual growth and co-
operation, a lauding of friendship and love      In short, we may say that what we are witness-
even at the expense of strong familial egos,     ing today is a massive resistance of the old
a breaking down of barriers of caste and         world trying to assert itself beyond limits in
religion for a larger good, a cry for space and  its need to expand. On the other hand we are
time to be oneself in the truest and deepest     also witnessing the first stirrings of a New
sense of the word. The true individual hidden    World taking an alternate route, charting
behind the ego-self emerges out when a           a new voyage beyond the convention and
person strives to be what he truly dreams of     the norm in search of the Promised Land.
and sees as his self-expression, his unique      But they are breaking free not in order to
contribution to the world, his best that he      destroy the ‘others’ but to find a better way
brings out and offers at the world-stage. In     to safeguard them. They are breaking free not
return, the world forces favour him and he       to live the life of an unbridled ego and desire
gets much more than he would need for his        but to adapt in a better way to the multiple
survival, inwardly as well as outwardly.         challenges that humanity has faced and
There is another happy trend in group life       continues to face in an increasing measure.
as well. Individuals are breaking free from      They are not breaking free to create islands
the fixed prisons of institutionalised and       but to join one another and reconnect and
fixed religions and ideologies, they are going   form a larger chain. These are the harbingers
beyond sects and cults and grouping together     of the New Faith and Will in life, a faith that
freely for the greater good of humanity and      the Earth must be saved from man himself
earth. True, they may be ignorant about what     and a will to find lasting and radical remedies
really is the greater good but the urge and the  for man’s maladies of which man himself is
aspiration, the will and faith are in the right  the most challenging of all.

                                                 			                        (To be continued)

Dr. Alok Pandey, an editor of NAMAH and member of SAIIIHR, is a doctor practising at the
                                           Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

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