Page 32 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 32

Namah                                    Vol. 25, Issue 1, 24th April 2017

        himself to go to sleep.”                 positive shift in the patent’s prospective.
                                                 Perhaps the shift is assisted through a
        In session Andrew himself stated, “I listen to  process where the patient experiences the
        music or try not to think about them.”   story through a different sensational context,
                                                 downloading the episode, if you will, in a
        What further confirmed the hypothesis of  more relaxed and calm manner, breaking the
        an avoidance defence mechanism was the  chain of a fear-based fight or flight autonomic
        observation that Andrew tended to avoid  response.
        answering any questions related to the
        zombies with any details. Rather, he dodged  Determining the patient’s defence mechanisms
        the topic and spoke in vague and minimal  — continued
        terms. It became apparent that in order to
        eliminate his fear we needed to make his  Another defence mechanism that Andrew
        fear concrete and present, rather than vague  seemed to employ was ‘Minimisation’. At the
        and distant. Increasingly, we focused on this  start of both sessions #2 and #3, he reported
        approach, asking Andrew endless questions  he was doing much better whereas his father
        about the zombies.                       had reported some improvement but with
                                                 still some fear. We suspected Andrew was
        Employing Relaxation Techniques — Aromatherapy,  experiencing discomfort and shame relative
        EFT, Deep Breathing and Touch            to his fear.  We addressed this in several ways.
                                                 One was in the EFT re-frame where we added
        Since having Andrew revisit the fearful  “And I’m a good kid”. We also confronted
        episodes might activate the fear response  him directly, asking why he continued to
        and deepen his trauma we employed various  sleep in his parents’ room if he was so much
        relaxation techniques. Firstly, we placed a  better. This question later proved beneficial
        few drops of essential oils in the palm of his  on many levels since it clarified the issue in
        hand, asked him to rub his hands vigorously  his father’s mind as well as set a plan and
        together and inhale very deeply several times.  target that we could later validate.
        We then employed EFT (Emotional Freedom
        Technique), which consists of tapping with  Employing other Depth Psychology modalities
        one’s finger pads on particular acupuncture
        points on the face and upper torso that activate  To help strengthen his pre-existing intellectual
        the relaxation response. We tapped on him,  understanding, that all of this was in his mind
        gently touching acupuncture locations on  and a product of his own imagination, we
        his face and torso as he recounted the same  did not deny, dismiss or minimize his visions
        scary story he had told himself countless  when he was gripped by them, but rather,
        times. From our experience, this approach,  tried to enter into his reality. We encouraged
        which is a combination of aromatherapy,  him, through ‘Mirroring’, to articulate the
        deep breathing, EFT, which makes use of  scary story in a rather matter of fact manner.
        physical touch, has demonstrated to be highly  We continued to dialogue with Andrew in a
        effective in the consulting-room in eliciting  tone and with a presence that validated his
        the relaxation response and facilitating a  experience. This approach, coupled with the

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