Page 33 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 33

Namah                                                     Case study

        continued focus on the story, moved the fear  itself to us in a powerful passing thought,
        projection out of a conceptual — mental state  a sensation, a feeling or an inclination. It
        and more into an actual concrete reality state,  can speak to us in a presentation of facts,
        where he was later able to disconnect from  circumstances and moments that arise in a
        his imagined fears.                      gestalt fashion. It can unveil an entire story
                                                 or situation, like a dewdrop reflecting a vast
        Reliance on the presence and power of intuition  landscape. This “more comprehensive, more
                                                 perfect, more essential” state is not arrived
        Intuition is a topic amply addressed by Sri  at through consecutive logical thought and
        Aurobindo in The Life Divine. He writes:  reasoning. Most of us, I believe, possess this
                                                 capacity and through a process of awareness,
        “The sages of the Veda and Vedanta relied  it can be honed and become a powerful
        entirely upon intuition and spiritual experience.  instrument in helping us work with patients.
        It is by an error that scholars sometimes
        speak of great debates or discussions in the  As the 13th century Persian mystic Sufi poet,
        Upanishad. Wherever there is the appearance  Jalul-ud Din Rumi articulates in the following
        of a controversy, it is not by discussion,  poem entitled, ‘Two Kinds of Intellect’:
        by dialectics or the use of logical reasoning
        that it proceeds, but by a comparison of   “There are two kinds of intellect; the first is
        intuitions and experiences in which the less   acquired -
        luminous gives place to the more luminous, the   Thanks to it, you learn like a schoolboy
        narrower, faultier or less essential to the more   Books, teachers, reflection, concepts, all kinds
        comprehensive, more perfect, more essential.   of sciences.
        The question asked by one sage of another   You learn and your intellect grows superior.
        is ‘What dost thou know?’, not “What dost   But conserving this knowledge is always a
        thou think?” nor ‘To what conclusion has thy   burden.
        reasoning arrived?’ Nowhere in the Upanishads   The other intellect is God’s pure gift;
        do we find any trace of logical reasoning urged   Its heart is in the breast of the soul.
        in support of the truths of Vedanta. Intuition,   When the water of divine gnosis jets from the
        the sages seem to have held, must be corrected   heart
        by a more perfect intuition; logical reasoning   It never becomes stagnant or old or dirty.
        cannot be its judge (1).”                And if it can’t flow outside, what does that
        Intuition is a human state of consciousness,   It keeps foaming up from within the heart (3).”
        veiled to various degrees to all of us, yet still
        accessible. Like many disciplines or talents, it  Intuition was in place in this case and in
        can be become an ever-increasing part of our  particular came at a specific moment in
        knowing and can be further refined.      my work with Andrew.  Towards the later
                                                 part of our third and last session, Andrew
        In working with patients, Intuition can be  spontaneously shifted gears. He stopped
        a source of razor-like precision, helping us  responding to my endless questions about
        hone directly into the core issues. It can reveal  the zombies and changed the topic. His entire

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