Page 15 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 15
Namah Holistic healing and alternative therapies
The important point to note is that when which are made these days by the people
something ceases to work as a whole, it also who are captivated by modern science.
loses its most characteristic part, the emergent
property. On the other hand, to work with the Modern science tries to make you believe
emergent properties we don’t have to know that by accumulating a large amount of
how the individual parts work in detail. For detailed knowledge you will arrive at a truer
example, to work on a computer, we don’t knowledge of the whole. But that cannot
have to know how the semi-conductors happen since there is already a reduction
work or how to programme the computer. in the level of the search. The emergent
We merely turn on the switch and click the properties that arise due to the link with a
menu that appears on the screen. higher level are completely lost to the analytical
approach. Hence, it is impossible to unify
Thus, the analytical method of studying the the multiplicity and diversity of the detailed
parts in detail does not make any significant knowledge that is generated by science.
contribution to knowing the properties of the Thus, the knowledge generated by analytical
‘whole’! To understand the properties of the sciences will remain fragmentary and of a
whole, we have to work with the ‘whole’. And relative kind, which compares well to a heap
to do that, we have to use holistic methods of unconnected parts!
or derive our applications from a principle
that emerges in the whole and keeps the Thus, these sciences, in the modern (reduced)
system functioning as a whole. The human form, have lost the depth and stability they
systems like the body, the individual, the could have had if they remained connected
family, companies, markets, nations, etc. are to a higher principle. They will grow, but
all living wholes, and hence we can learn to without any real base to build on. They
work with them holistically. have to work on random probabilities
and hypotheses, which can contribute to
Traditional scientists were aware of the advancement of technology, but they cannot
limitations of the analytical method. Hence, contribute to our understanding of wholes,
they did not study the phenomena of nature like the living systems or the cosmos.
in great detail as modern science does. Instead
of trying to know the parts perfectly and in We are often asked, “Why have the experimental
detail, they preferred to comprehend the sciences had exceptional growth in recent
whole imperfectly, but in essence. Further, times?” To reply we quote from the author’s
they used the essential knowledge gained book, Crisis of Modern Humanity:
along the way to understand the significance
of each and every part, and know its proper “This is because the development in question
place in the greater whole. Thus, they gave to is accompanied by a change in values whereby
each thing just the importance it deserved and modern people confine their attention wholly
significance it should have. They did not make to things of the senses and the world of matter,
disproportionate or out of place arguments, having a strange fascination for things that bear
1 You can read about the book at the author’s website,