Page 17 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 17

Namah                            Holistic healing and alternative therapies

        made to believe that their health depends  alternative therapies is primarily directed
        on doctors and the medical care system! It  at reducing toxaemia; and then further,
        has made people unnecessarily dependent  they attempt then to remove the deeper
        on the medical profession. At the same time,  causes that generate this toxaemia in the
        the healthcare system has become very  body. When the toxin level is reduced, the
        expensive, highly technical, very specialised,  natural intelligence of the body (the higher or
        and unnecessarily complicated. It depends  holistic consciousness) takes over and does
        entirely upon intricate tests, expensive  the healing. In this approach great care is
        high-tech machines, and powerful drugs  taken not to suppress the symptoms, since
        like antibiotics or surgical interventions.  it obstructs the natural feedback mechanism
        As a result you, the lay person, the receiver  that the vital force uses to perform the
        of healthcare, can hardly be expected to  function of healing.
        help yourself or your dear ones in health
        matters.                                 c. How does the notion of ‘healing’ differ from the
                                                 notion of ‘cure’?
        This problem is further compounded by newer  Modern medical science wants you to think of
        discoveries that are made by researchers every  a disease in terms of infections and chemical
        day. They continuously put forward numerous  deficiency. They consider a disease in the
        hypotheses and theories, which may or may  body to be an ‘outside-in’ process. That
        not be true, but which only confuse the public  is, the disease is considered to be a result
        and tell them that the subject of health is  of invasion by outside agents like germs,
        beyond their comprehension or reach. This is  bacteria, viruses or parasites; or that it arises
        how the modern healthcare system chooses  due to a deficiency of some chemicals that
        to project itself to the people.         have to be supplied from an external
                                                 source. The term ‘curing’ is used when
        b. The alternative approach              the treatment is made to rely on external
        In contrast to the modern approach, holistic  processes to restore the health.
        therapies tell you that you can learn to
        maintain your health without depending  Natural or holistic healing systems, on the
        on doctors, medicines and hospitals. And  other hand, consider the primary cause
        you can do it by simply learning to think  of disease to arise from inside the person.
        holistically and by taking some simple self-  Hence, the ailment in the body is regarded
        help measures that will restore your vitality  as a result of an ‘inside-out’ process. The
        and keep you healthy.                    inner causes make the person susceptible to
                                                 external agents of disease and deficiency-
        The alternate healing systems consider  related disorders. Both the external and inner
        toxaemia to be the primary cause of ailments  causes exist, but more importance is given
        in the body. It is a perceived ‘diseased state’  to the inner causes since they precede the
        that arises when toxins accumulate in the  external factors.
        body at the cellular level. Deeper causes of
        toxaemia usually arise from our lifestyle,  For this reason the holistic treatment mainly
        diet and emotions. Hence, the treatment in  focuses on correcting the ‘internal causes’

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