Page 18 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 18

Namah                                     Vol. 25, Issue 2, 15th July 2017

        of the imbalance. Once the internal causes  This trend has become set in modern times
        are corrected, the vital force of the body will  due to the commercial interests of the
        become active and do the healing. The term  healthcare industry. Hence, hypertension
        ‘healing’ is used when the treatment is given  is not healed; it is treated with BP pills that
        only to facilitate the process of natural healing  have to be taken for a lifetime. Asthma is not
        in the body.                             healed; inhalers are constant companions
                                                 of the afflicted. Osteoarthritis is not healed;
        d. The issue of treating symptoms        the ultimate remedy is sought in knee
        From The Medicine Show (A Consumer Union  replacement. Allergies are not healed; the
        of U.S. Publication):                    victim becomes increasingly dependent on
                                                 medication. The list is endless.
        “The public has grown accustomed to thinking
        of a doctor’s job as curing of diseases by finding  Further, when the patient continues to use
        and removing their causes. We tend to forget  a medicine, the response to the medicine
        that, historically, the greater part of the physicians  diminishes. However, that does not trouble
        efforts have gone towards relieving symptoms  the advocates of drug therapy. Instead,
        with little knowledge of their causes, and that  the pharmaceutical companies keep on
        today’s most prevalent illnesses, many of  rejuvenating their business by creating a
        them chronic illnesses, still must be treated  demand for the newer drugs and procedures
        symptomatically (3).”                    that are poured into the market every day.
                                                 You may think that someday ‘scientific
        The modern trend is to treat the symptoms of  research’ will develop a lasting cure for your
        a disease with drugs. It is certainly useful in  disease. However, that day is certainly not
        treating acute diseases — when the symptoms  going to come. There will be newer cures,
        are severe or life-threatening. However, when  but they will not be lasting. To have a lasting
        you habitually treat ordinary ailments with  cure, you have to look elsewhere.
        drugs, the symptoms themselves get modified
        and develop as chronic disorders such as  Today people are deceived into believing
        headaches, stuffed nose, acidity, wheezing,  that their disease is merely an effect on
        rheumatism, eczema, allergy, blood pressure,  the physical body that can be removed by
        etc. These disorders are less intense in their  external means like drugs or surgery. This
        effect, but they harass more since they last  belief has distracted people from looking
        longer and recur periodically!           for the true cause of their disease and from
                                                 searching for the remedy in the right places.
        For such chronic disorders there are ‘no
        outright cures’ — there are only medications  e. The difference between the holistic and the
        that can temporally relieve or suppress the  specialised approaches in healing
        symptoms. The patient is put on medication  When symptoms are seen in the context of the
        that has to be taken for the rest of his life!  whole person, they take on a totally different
        Thus, the patient is never healed. Treatment  significance than when they are seen in the
        is only directed to controlling some irritating  context of an ailing part of the body. When
        symptoms.                                you think analytically, you simply reduce

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