Page 19 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 19

Namah                            Holistic healing and alternative therapies

        the level of the insight from the whole to  of the disease are merely expressed in a part; or it
        the part. Then you only see the disorder in  is the ‘weakest link’ in the body that has broken
        the parts, the symptoms, as the disease. As  down.’
        a result your treatment will be directed to
        suppress the symptoms or to surgically cut  When you think of the problems of health
        out the part.                            in this way, you treat the disease factor and
                                                 do not seek to suppress the symptoms of the
        However, when the underlying cause is  disease. In addition, you try to correct the
        elsewhere in the system (as in an eating  errors in the lifestyle and habits that have
        habit), then you can miss it completely.  given rise to the disease factor.
        This is precisely what happens when a
        health problem arises due to a disorder  Most holistic therapies have a very simplistic
        in the functioning of the whole person, as  diagnosis for the most complex health disorders.
        in psychosomatic disorders. The disorder  For example, Eyurveda talks in terms of
        simply shows itself as symptoms in the  Tridossa; Naturopathy talks in terms of Toxaemia;
        parts. In such a case, if the treatment aims  Water Cure talks in terms of Dehydration, Psychic
        at curing the part, then it will only provide  Healing talks in terms of Prana deficiency,
        some temporary relief. The underlying  Homoeopathy talks in terms of Constitutional
        ‘disease factor’ will continue. Then the  remedy, the Biochemic system talks in terms
        symptoms will continue to play hide and  of a deficiency of inorganic salts in the body
        seek and you will have to go from one  tissues, etc. However, the simplicity in their
        specialist to another to be cured again and  diagnosis should not be mistaken for a lack of
        again.                                   sophistication or effectiveness. The remedies
                                                 they provide are effective and the results they
        From the holistic point of view the solutions  show are consistent.
        that emerge from a fragmented perspective
        themselves become problems for the whole!  However, if you are looking for a one-to-one
        They aim to give some temporary relief, but  correspondence between a disease and a remedy,
        in the process they create bigger and long-  you are unlikely to find it here. For example,
        term problems for the person as a whole.  the holistic systems cannot have a cure for
        Further, the ‘quick-fix’ cures always disturb  baldness, asthma, diabetes, etc. These therapies
        the natural feedback that the body uses to  do not work like that. They look upon the
        heal itself. And that makes it more difficult  symptoms of a disease as merely the results
        for the vital force to do the healing.   of an imbalance in the body. Hence, their
                                                 focus is on restoring the balance. Once the
        f. What is holistic about healing?       balance is restored, the natural intelligence
        In holistic healing you treat the patient in  of the body will take over and do the healing.
        terms of a perceived imbalance in the body.  Many symptoms will clear up; and if some
        This imbalance is not in a part, but in the  symptoms still remain, they will respond to
        functioning of the whole. The saying is:   almost any kind of treatment. So, although
                                                 holistic therapy cannot have a specific cure for
        ‘You are not ill or diseased in a part. The symptoms  a specific disease like asthma, it can always

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