Page 42 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 42

Namah                                     Vol. 25, Issue 2, 15th July 2017

        nasal passages (ala nasi), breathe out forcefully  Results
        through the mouth till the lungs become empty
        from maximum air, then slowly snort in the  1. The excess mucus produced by goblet cells
        solvent. It will go in through the nostrils, up  and the other mucus producing glands in
        through the deep cone-shaped tortuous nasal  upper-airway passages of the mouth, nose,
        passages affecting all the turbinates (inferior,  pharynx and the sinuses get cleaned.
        middle and superior) on the lateral sides of
        the nose, down into the throat (pharynx) from  2. The hypotonic secretions in the mucosal
        where it takes a ‘U’ turn, enters the oral cavity  cells get diffused by the hypertonic solution,
        and collects in the mouth. Then spit it out. Blow  resulting in equal solute concentrations on
        out forcefully and the excess mucus collected  both sides.
        in the nasal lining gets drained out.
                                                 3. As a result of clearing the opening of the
        3.  Take sufficient hypertonic solution into  ducts from excess mucus in the turbinate,
        the mouth, keep it wide open, bend the head  the possibility of infections spreading to the
        backward till the trachea gets stretched and  eyes, ears and brain gets reduced.
        the solvent touches the oro/naso pharynx,
        gargle for a few seconds and try to push out  4. The defunct cilia become active and ciliate
        the solvent through the nasal passages. During  mucus towards the nasal passages which can
        this process, the whole of the nasal lining,  then be blown out easily.
        particularly the sinuses, the lachrymal and
        ear (Eustachian tube) duct openings into the  The inflammation of nasal mucosa gets
        turbinate get cleaned. During inflammatory  reduced allowing free passage for air during
        conditions, the tortuous turbinate gets hyper-  respiration.
        trophied and may result in nasal blocks. In
        such circumstances, the exercises should be  As for myself, I maintain good health, even
        practised slowly.                        at the age of 78. This is also largely due to
                                                 physical and yogic exercises (with 4 to 5kg
        While doing the first two exercises, there is no  dumbbells) I do every day for a period of just
        possibility for the solvent to reach the glottis  35 to 40 minutes and for five days a week.
        as the body is in a forward-bending position  The exercises strengthen the muscles of the
        and while practising the third exercise also  body, including the lungs and bones and
        there is no scope for the solvent to enter the  provide a balancing power.  Lung elasticity is
        lungs as the patient will be trying to gargle  maintained.  Breathing improves.  However,
        (expel the air from lungs) at the oro/nasal  senior citizens are advised to consult a doctor
        pharynx level.                           before starting any new regime.

          Mankonda Prakash Rao is a self-made healthcare consultant based in Hyderabad, India. He can be
                              contacted at [email protected]
         To view videos of these exercises, type ‘HYPER-SECRETION OF MUCUS — Mankonda Prakash
                             Rao  YOU TUBE VIDEOS’ at any search engine.

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