Page 44 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 44
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 2, 15th July 2017
But since the mentor mind is itself blind or the way it is. Some of these individuals
at least half-blind, life itself imperfect and land up in the evolutionary transit-zones
the ship of matter fragile, the soul must where the pathways of the past and the
break through the form and the personality roads to the future criss-cross each other.
it has put forth and create another for its Drawn towards the future, yet hesitant to
experience and growth. leave behind the past, they are caught in the
predicament of Trishanku who is discarded
The same law holds true for society as from Heaven since he is not prepared enough
well. When the moulds of society become and is also unhappy to remain on earth.
too rigid, when its institutions become These individuals are often misunderstood
fossilised and over-crystallised, then it by their parents, teachers and colleagues
stifles growth and hence it is broken and who try to somehow squeeze them into
cast aside by the Time-Spirit for a wider the fixed moulds of the past. This however
and more plastic mould to arise. It is this only leads to an increasing unhappiness or
that we are witnessing today. On the one a rebellion. Though not all rebellions are of
hand, a breaking-up of all that we valued this kind, yet there are a good number of
and cherished in the past, and on the other them who are burdened by the spirit of the
hand an intense experimentation with new future striving to assume new forms and
and unprecedented possibilities. Every field manifest new things. Yet unable to find the
of life and activity of man is witnessing right way, they sometimes end up with a
this change, this thrust and impulsion breaking-up of all doors of safety seeking
towards new things. But none knows for their liberation.
sure what this new thing is that is striving to
be born. Perhaps, more than anything else, Finding the future
it is a New Consciousness that is animating
humanity, causing at once confusion as What they do not understand is that breaking
well as a reorganisation. The confusion is the doors of safety that limits us to the
because the old clings and tries to persist present is not the way to find the future. The
even as it is being broken down. But if we way to find the future is rather to open an
look carefully it is in fact a reorganisation, inner door that will give us not only a new
leading to a truer life. life, a new way of being but also a new
kind of safety. These are children of the
There are a growing number of persons, future and need protection, not only from
individuals, who may best be termed as the rigid moulds of the past that stifle them
evolutionary misfits in the higher sense. but also from the darkness of the gulfs
They seem to have surged ahead of the that wait unseen across the evolutionary
general mass of mankind. In their thoughts path of man. These individuals need help.
and feelings, sometimes even in their acts They also need new kinds of institutions,
and impulses they embody the spirit of a — educational and professional places of
distant future so to say. But their ways are work that can accommodate and encourage,
felt strange to the common man. In fact they nurture and nourish their evolutionary
themselves find the world strange, at least potential. These will be the hopes of the