Page 43 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 43
Evolution Next — XII
Dr. Alok Pandey
Evolution is often a challenging task. It carves its way through a conflict of forces, even a battle, that
demolishes past forms that are not ready to change. It is also challenging since it means stepping out of our
comfort-zones and entering the adventure of the New and the Unknown. Nevertheless evolution sometimes
forces itself upon us whether we like it or not. It is only with passage of time that we begin to appreciate the
changes in leading us through narrow gates and long stretches of desert lands us in the promised land of the
future. Such an evolution seems to be happening today and we can have the privilege of participating in it
and flowing with it.
Evolution, like change happens in spite of that ends up in new revelations, new
us. It will happen with or without us. Yet we creations, new and unexpected departures
can help or hinder, hasten or delay, make it that radically uplift the individual and
smooth or complicate it endlessly. That is the species towards a new form of life, a
where our role lies. The logic behind this new order, even a new functioning that is
is very simple. If there is a Divine Wisdom not only helpful for its survival but also its
at the root of the world, as the Vedas and growth and joy. On the other hand, there
the Gita assert, then however dark the is also a downward or backward pull with
appearances there may be, this Wisdom a tendency for everything to collapse back
is bound to carry us forward and forward towards chaos, disintegrate into the primal
towards its far-intended purpose. On the soup so to say. But even this disintegration
other hand, if there is no such Wisdom, no such is not completely a disorderly process.
inbuilt tendency towards a harmonisation, There is a method in the madness as if
then everything should be collapsing, in here too a secret Wisdom is at work that
fact should have collapsed much earlier. uses both creation and destruction for its
incalculable purposes. That is how death
What we in fact actually see is that there is conceived in ancient Indian thought, as
is at any given point these two tendencies simply a means for the soul’s evolutionary
active upon every element on the universe, journey with matter as the basis, life as a
— a future-ward push towards the Unknown field of experience and mind as the mentor.